Monday, March 18, 2013

Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] AG 21 Subtlety

Hi, Brian --
     Awhile back, a Brit friend of mine recounted how what is being done here was done a long time ago in England.  The common people were moved off the land and into the cities by the nobility, by fiat, taxation, repossession, etc.  At this point most of the land there is owned by either the government or  by the nobility.  Fly over England and everywhere you will see vast areas of open land dotted by housing clusters and cities.  The average British citizen is not especially happy with his situation but has few options.
     In our case it is not the hereditary nobility that is inexorably soaking up our countryside, but self-appointed elites, NGOs and government agencies, using different tactics but for the same end.  The push for cluster housing and urban centers is the most obvious one, one that can be readily identified for resistance, but there is another I believe to be more of a hazard -- "land conservancy". 
     The preservation of natural land, historical sites, and areas of spectacular scenic beauty for the enjoyment of future generations is laudable and noble in concept.  But the subtle danger here is that the advocates of such preservation don't just want some of the land; they want ALL of it.   When is enough preserved land enough?  You will not get an answer.  The elites believe humans are a blight on the land and must be removed from it to "protect" it.
     Some land and sites are simply taken, as were the National Parks, but most is removed from private ownership much more subtly.  The means by which most land is acquired, or "preserved", is through various types of "conservation" grants and tax incentives.  Owners (both liberal and conservative) of large tracts of land, who would like a tax break, or perhaps direct cash, are enticed by agreements whereby the land is set aside in perpetuity, or transferred to an NGO, never to be developed.   In this way, little by little, ownership of the country is being transferred out of private hands (and off the county tax trolls); the remainder that is available for development and future habitation is ever shrinking.  The government doesn't need to force people off the land and into the cities, they are being bribed into it voluntarily.  At some point we will look a lot like England.

My 2 cents,
illegitimi non carborundum!
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Brian Evans <> wrote:


I wish to thank you for the information also. It's nice when you post something out of the box but I wanted to add to your comments.


I recently did extensive research on this subject, urban clusters are also referred to as "anti-sprawl". It is a popular campaign amongst the EPA, universities in training city planners and nonprofits in advocating against sprawl. Planners are trained to design "Pack and Stack" communities. Randal O'Toole, CATO Institute, wrote an anti-sprawl article in 2000 about the EPA funding anti-sprawl nonprofits "EPA Funds Anti-Sprawl Politics with Tax Dollars".


It works hand-in-hand with a term we're all familiar with "Smart Growth" and the Sierra Club is a big anti-sprawl advocate:


The next agenda is for progressives to claim our Highway funds are running dry and we'll be pushed to trains and public transportation…this is coming. Virginia's HB 2313 shifts funding for highways from a gas tax to a sales tax. This makes it so they can claim that our highway funding is not paying for the roads and money will be directed to public transportation like high-speed rail and light rail. This is both at State and Federal level.


This will push everyone to urban clusters as owning and operating vehicles will be unaffordable. The Federal Government has come a long way since the 1970s!


The reason for urban areas transitioning from conservative to liberal thinking is because of propaganda. We (urban areas) have an extremely high concentration of universities that train liberal thinking and nonprofits that advocate for government intervention (i.e. PETA, Sierra Club, etc.).


Brian Evans



From: [] On Behalf Of DeWitt Edwards
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 8:46 PM

Subject: Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] AG 21 Subtlety


Thank you Ted for passing that information along.



DeWitt Edwards 

How far can you go without destroying from within without destroying what is without.


Dwight Eisenhower 




From: Ted Williams <>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 6:44 PM
Subject: [Peninsula-Patriots] AG 21 Subtlety


 Fellow Conservatives --   

     Last night I spoke with Jeannemarie Devolites Davis, Virginia Lt. Governor Candidate, after the Gloucester County Republican Committee meeting and queried her for her take on UN Agenda 21.  She gets it.  She said that she has read up on it and learned a lot (which the rest of our pols need to do) and fully understands the dangers of AG 21.  In fact she enlightened me on a subtlety and right-now danger in our midst I had not thought of. 
     My opposition to cluster housing (an agenda 21 feature) had been that at some point down the road we could be forced into it by rezoning, regulation, imminent domain, etc.; but that, for now, it was OK for those who like that lifestyle, so long as it was voluntary.  It is NOT OK!    Turns out cluster housing attracts (I should have known this) mostly those of the liberal persuasion.  The establishment of such urban clusters in Fairfax (e.g., Reston Town Center Dulles, DullesTown Center and others) was a primary factor in turning that county from red to blue -- spread the liberalism  You will see a predominantly liberal influx wherever these urban centers are built, thus changing the political landscape.  They must be vigorously opposed in all situations if we are to effectively stop/resist the spread of progressivism across the land.
     Maybe this is obvious to most, and I am the last to understand it.  I hope so.  If not, FYI.

Ted Williams
Illegitimi non carborundum!

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