Sunday, March 17, 2013

Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] AG 21 Subtlety

Thank you Ted for passing that information along.
DeWitt Edwards 
How far can you go without destroying from within without destroying what is without.

Dwight Eisenhower 

From: Ted Williams <>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 6:44 PM
Subject: [Peninsula-Patriots] AG 21 Subtlety

 Fellow Conservatives --   
     Last night I spoke with Jeannemarie Devolites Davis, Virginia Lt. Governor Candidate, after the Gloucester County Republican Committee meeting and queried her for her take on UN Agenda 21.  She gets it.  She said that she has read up on it and learned a lot (which the rest of our pols need to do) and fully understands the dangers of AG 21.  In fact she enlightened me on a subtlety and right-now danger in our midst I had not thought of. 
     My opposition to cluster housing (an agenda 21 feature) had been that at some point down the road we could be forced into it by rezoning, regulation, imminent domain, etc.; but that, for now, it was OK for those who like that lifestyle, so long as it was voluntary.  It is NOT OK!    Turns out cluster housing attracts (I should have known this) mostly those of the liberal persuasion.  The establishment of such urban clusters in Fairfax (e.g., Reston Town Center Dulles, DullesTown Center and others) was a primary factor in turning that county from red to blue -- spread the liberalism  You will see a predominantly liberal influx wherever these urban centers are built, thus changing the political landscape.  They must be vigorously opposed in all situations if we are to effectively stop/resist the spread of progressivism across the land.
     Maybe this is obvious to most, and I am the last to understand it.  I hope so.  If not, FYI.

Ted Williams
Illegitimi non carborundum!

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