Monday, April 30, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] Debate Summary

Here is a summary of the Republican debates as given by Virginia Right.

DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. 

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This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Please join me in emailing your state legislators and ask them to sponsor a resolution against UN Agenda 21. See below:

Update, April 25, 2012: Last month the Tennessee House passed by 72-23 HJR 587, which is a non-binding resolution that "recognizes the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21 and hereby exposes to the public and public policymakers the dangerous intent of the plan.... [and] BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the federal government and state and local governments across the country be well informed of the underlying harmful implications of implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 destructive strategies for 'sustainable development,' and we hereby endorse rejection of its radical policies and rejection of any grant monies attached to it."
     On April 24, 2012, the Tennessee Senate also passed HJR 587 by a vote of 19-11. This makes Tennessee the first state where both legislative houses have passed anti-Agenda 21 legislation.

Ask Your State Legislators to Introduce a Stop Agenda 21 Bill

Starting in 2011 there has been an amazingly fast growth in interest among Tea Party and other conservative groups in learning about, then stopping the implementation of the UN's Agenda 21 in their local area as well as their state and the nation as a whole.

If you want to learn about Agenda 21, you could start by reading "Stop the UN's Agenda 21 & 'Sustainable Development'" or "Your Hometown & the United Nations' Agenda 21." Or, if you prefer to learn from videos, try viewing a recent Agenda 21 video by Tom DeWeese that describes the overall movement to Stop Agenda 21 or another recent video by Don Casey that provides many details of just how far the implementation of Agenda 21 has already gone. Another excellent resource for learning more about Agenda 21 and what you can do about it is our web page "Choose Freedom -- STOP AGENDA 21."

Starting in 2012, New HampshireTennessee, and Georgia have already introduced bills to help publicize the downsides of implementing Agenda 21. Furthermore, in Tennessee a bill has been introduced in both House andSenate to prohibit that state and all of its political subdivisions from spending money implementing Agenda 21. We expect the number of states in this list to grow very rapidly this year and next. 

Since most states are either out of session or winding down by this point in even-numbered years, the big push for Stop Agenda 21 state bills should happen in 2013 after this fall's elections. However, let's not wait for 2013. Let's start educating our state legislators now and urge them to introduce Stop Agenda 21 bills at the earliest possible time.

The tools you have for doing this can all be found at our "Choose Freedom -- STOP AGENDA 21" web page. 

To get the ball rolling in your state, scroll down to send a message to your state legislators asking them to introduce a Stop Agenda 21 bill in your state legislature. The prewritten, editable message to them contains a link to our "Choose Freedom -- STOP AGENDA 21" web page and a link to our "Model Stop Agenda 21 Bill for State Legislatures."

Personalize your message for maximum impact. 

Phone calls can also be very effective, and of course, the most effective way to educate your state legislators is by making personal visits to their offices. Click here for contact information for your state representatives.

DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. 

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This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Friday, April 27, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] Call to action

This is but one more reason for us to become more active in our tea party.

DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. 

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This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

[Peninsula-Patriots] Tea Party Express kicks off

DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. 

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Monday, April 23, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] Next Step

Patriots here is a message from Robert Shannon of the King & Queen Tea Party.

Yesterday Thomas Hurt with the Washington Times was interviewed regarding what impact the TEA Party would have on the upcoming elections. As a supporter of the TEA Party movement Mr. Hurt was not denigrating us when he referred to the movement as the "Rodney Dangerfield" of American politics. He was simply making the point that in spite of the polls showing the number that identify themselves as either members or supporters of the TEA Party the republican party establishment still does not show us much respect. The question for us then is what do we do about it ?
I have written of the need to develop an effective strategy to address this and slowly but surely more of you are coming around to recognizing the need to take the fight to the party establishment if we have any hope of capitalizing on our momentum and numbers. The more time we allow to pass the danger is we will have lost the very momentum that would currently lend to this approaches success.
Last week stories circulated of the frustration the Patriot movement has with many of the republican freshmen elected in 2010 ( with our support ) who signed on to support the debt ceiling increase a few months back. Some of these tepid freshmen argued they couldn't shut the government down, soldiers wouldn't be paid, citizens wouldn't get their Social Security checks, etc, etc..
First of all much of those supposed fears are not true. The government has adequate funds to continue basic operations paying top priority items such as military pay and social security, so that rational doesn't fly. I wonder what these same freshmen's response would be if someone were to ask them what are we going to do when another ratings downgrade of Treasuries occur ? What will we do when interest rates spike at the first whiff of an unsubscribed Treasury auction ? What will they do when the interest costs of servicing this growing debt swallows us ?
Crisis requires action. What we are getting instead is yet another example of feckless cowards who shudder at the thought of bucking party leadership, who's only interest is in retaining power, as if that alone is some sort of victory.
If republican party leadership knows there will be consequences more far reaching than a simple government shutdown they will act. Until then they kick the can down the road, at our national peril and we remain the "Rodney Dangerfield" that Thomas Hurt referred to yesterday.
Bob Shannon King William
DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. 

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Sunday, April 22, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] An Important Message

So, I have been reading a lot of postings, blogs, comments and conversations in chat and one question that 
I see coming up more often than I like to see is "What is the Tea Party doing and what direction are we going"? Well, as we all know, the Tea Party is a Grassroots kind of thing and it will go where ever you take it.
YOU, me and every one that is here is part of the Grassroots. It has to be nourished and watered. You may be asking yourselves, "What does she mean by that?" Well, for a movement to work, just like a plant, it is going to take time, involvement - LOTS OF INVOLVEMENT and getting word out. 
Time - we haven't much time as we are looking at 2012 straight on in the face, if you will. We have THE MOST important election of our lives coming up in November and people do not know what to do. How much time do you spend locally in politics? Meeting with politicians on the local (your town, your county, heck even your state) level? I bet I know the answer - NONE. There ya go.
The Democrats/Liberal/Commie/Marxists have 'one upped' us as they have organized at every level and we on the Right (literally and figuratively) sit around and get mad, we 'sit and spin' and ponder "What the world are we gonna do?" or "We can't win with this person running or that person running" or some other kind of 'stuff'. All we (not really 'all we' but the majority of us) do is just sit and watch the process, we go vote and then if the vote doesn't go our way, what do we do? Complain.
Dee posted these comments in a discussion:
"what have YOU personally done to volunteer your time and efforts to mold the site in the direction you feel it should go?"
"what sweat equity are you willing to VOLUNTEER to the site?"
Those 2 comments got me to thinking…I wonder…How many members on this site have actually given time to a campaign? How many have gotten out and spoken at a Tea Party?
Talked to different candidates?
This site is what it is. It is a website and a group of like minded folks that have come together to share information. We not only want to share pertinent information with you, But we want YOU, our members to share information with us! What is going on in your States, your counties. What are you doing to make that difference, to change the direction of your state, your country? Share that we us….share with us what works. We share information with you for you to share with your Email chain, your Facebook friends (if you Facebook) and you can twitter all this as well, if you twitter.
For Myself and the Admin Staff here at Tea, we have all been involved in something other than volunteering on this site! WE are out in the trenches with boots on the ground. Our Creator - not God, but the founder of this site (as he likes to say) is out there promoting us and has come up with the '1 Million Households' Campaign. Have you checked it out? Have you shared it with friends and family? NO? Why not? It's easy as 1 - 2 - the link and get on it doggone it:
All that being said I would like to point out that we have on our site the incredible Lloyd Marcus who shares his writings with us. We will always share his works with you all. We also have another incredible patriot, Wild Bill for America, who has a knack, like Lloyd, for putting things into perspective, and shares his videos with us. We also share his work, but there are many others that do many things.
But back to my question: What are YOU doing? If you are not involved other than being a keyboard warrior, then what are you doing to change that? It's time for all to get involved. Are you a writer? A good speaker?
We all have something to contribute. And how we do it is to get involved in the process. Volunteer to work for a candidate, become a poll worker/watcher - you can do that at the local election board in your area. Get involved in politics at the local level. We have a lot of elections other than the Presidential elections. State House seats, Federal Senate and House seats….it's time to get off our duffs and put 'boots on the ground'
Thanks for your time,
Asst Natl Dir.
DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. 

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This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: "Healing of America" Seminar Series: God's hand in the Building of America

DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. 

From the Mechanicsville Tea Party:
The Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional
Studies invites you to attend the first
"Healing of America" Seminar Series called
God's Hand in the Building of America
In this seminar, you will learn about the greatness of the American Founding Fathers and will see how they were indeed inspired of God.  You will appreciate more than ever that the hand of God was clearly evident in the building of this great land. 
It will also become evident that the God of heaven did not establish the first free people in modern times just to allow them to collapse into oblivion.
Most importantly, you will understand that America really can be healed, and that the Founders' dream can be renewed and realized. 
This is the first of four essential seminars.  It will be taught at:
Gold Coast Pizza  
155 Junction Drive, Ashland VA
Saturday, May 5, 2012
How much is America and your Freedom worth to you?  Spend a little time and effort and join us for one of the most important seminars you will ever attend.
Cost: $39 per person if purchased by April 21st. Price includes a personal workbook After the 21st the cost will be $49.. For more Information please contact: Denise Calton at 804-781-0431 or To ensure space is available, contact her as soon as possible.

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This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Meetup Message Board Update

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You asked that we send you a summary of Meetup message board
activity. The following is a list of discussions with new
messages posted since April 18, 2012 3:19 AM.

Forum: Peninsula Patriots Discussion Forum

A message from Tom Robinson
Latest message by Sue Sherrill on April 20, 2012 at 6:06 AM

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Meetup HQ in NYC is hiring!

Friday, April 20, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: Patriot Alert! Here's the recon from the - OCCUPY TRAINING over the weekend!!!

Sue Long sends:

Subject: Patriot Alert! Here's the recon from the - OCCUPY TRAINING over the weekend!!!

Okay guys...this very well could happen to us
Hi Patriots,  Thanks to Victoria and Karen for this.
Patriots across the country attended occupy training workshops this weekend and here is just some of the recon we got from them! Note: they are going to try to infiltrate tea party groups to disrupt and create a confrontational situation. Do NOT engage them!!!
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:48 PM
Subject: warning - occupy update
OK I have gotten an update on just what the occupy GOONS and PAWNS have been told in their training sessions all over the country – which took place this week! 
It is important that you know, but also that you advise your list, especially those tea party movements as they will be affected.
Each training center (there were hundreds of them all over the country, even in small rural communities) – had a trainer, and each trainer was sent DVDs, handouts, and the training manual.
While they do not outright suggest violence there are sufficient gray areas and vagueness in the training and messaging that these morons can be expected to do pretty much anything.
BUT, specifically they are being told to recruit and enlarge their numbers in their assigned respective areas; they are told to incite any opponents and to engage in confrontation, as well as to create gridlock.    And here please note – they have been specifically
instructed to go to any and all tea party gatherings, rallies etc., and to be confrontational, and create havoc and disruption.
I think it is safe to say that there are MANY people spread around the country who will decide they can't stand the whole business and will engage occupy groups, be confrontational, and there may well be violence.  It would not take much to push these jerks over that line,
if they don't go there on their own.  AND it would be a natural outgrowth of confrontation from the other side that violence ensues.
For tea party gatherings planned for the rest of this year – the word of the day is CAUTION.  Be wary, do not travel alone, avoid these fools as much as possible.
Above all it is important for EVERYONE to keep calm, keep their wits about them, remain cool and DO NOT ENGAGE ANY OCCUPY GROUP IN ANY CONFRONTATION BECAUSE THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT THEY WANT – THEY WILL BE GOADING
AND PUSHING FOR IT.  And when they get their wish, it then gives them an excuse to go over the top with violence.  There is NO good to come of any of this – and it is IMPORTANT to remember that they are well trained, well funded, extremely well organized and directed.  This is no longer the ragtag bunch of fools who are clueless about what they are there for – they are still ragtag but now they have marching orders and each group will have an even better trained leader(s). 
They should be back on the streets within a week or two and do not expect them to disband unless they are confronted by a strong police department and city leadership that refuses to allow them to camp out much less create havoc. 
This has all the earmarking's and potential to become a doorway to martial lawremember, the occupy movement has gone from semi-organic to fully supported and organized – and as I wrote before (and provided the links to prove this) – they are backed by the Communist and Socialist parties, UAW, SEIU, ACORN, myriad other communist/socialist organizations,, and of course, one of the key money people is George Soros.  This collection of 'sponsors' has no good intentions; moreover they are providing tents, food, water, sleeping bags, entertainment, drugs and more.  And they have insider's in key roles of leaders to incite and whip these people into a frenzy. 
When you see that in order to produce you
need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing;
when you see that money flows to those who deal, not in goods
but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft then by work,
and your laws no longer protect you against them,
but protect them against you.......
you may know that your society is doomed."
Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged

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This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] A message from Tom Robinson

Thank you Sue for passing on Tom Robertson's words of wisdom. He is spot on in his comments. Each of us needs to step up to the plate and do what needs to be done to save this country from Communism, I truly believe it has moved beyond Socialism although there is not a great difference between the two. If we fail, the consequences are unthinkable. Patriots I encourage you to talk to your friends and encourage them to become activist for freedom.
DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. 

From: Sue Sherrill <>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 6:07 AM
Subject: [Peninsula-Patriots] A message from Tom Robinson

Greetings Patriots (and former peninsula Patriot Members!)
Tom Robinson has stepped down from his leadership role with our Peninsula Patriot group but has asked me to forward his (compelling!) message here:
"Hi Penpats, As your original Organizer I would like to encourage ALL of our PenPats to attend the Grassroots Activist School on June 9th.  If we hope to unseat the current administration, which is comprised of a group of ultra-liberal men and women who are intent on destroying our "American Way of Life". If we don't ALL work together NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE to get more Conservative-thinking voters to the polls in November, our wonderful Republic will be quickly replaced with a version of European Socialism from which we may never recover.  If we are not willing to sacrifice OUR time and talents NOW to protect our Constitutional freedoms, I'm afraid we will leave it up to our children and grandchildren to shed THEIR blood to regain a fraction of the freedoms that WE now take for granted; freedoms that OUR fathers and grandfathers were willing to fight and die for just a few decades ago.  We can no longer just sit in the audience and listen to guest speakers who are just "preaching to the choir".  We must get individually involved and be willing to sacrifice OUR "lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor" to save our great nation from a future of dispair, debt and "Big Brother" watching our every movement and action.  I love you guys.  All the best, Tom"

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This message was sent by Sue Sherrill ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about Sue Sherrill, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

[Peninsula-Patriots] A message from Tom Robinson

Greetings Patriots (and former peninsula Patriot Members!)

Tom Robinson has stepped down from his leadership role with our Peninsula Patriot group but has asked me to forward his (compelling!) message here:

"Hi Penpats, As your original Organizer I would like to encourage ALL of our PenPats to attend the Grassroots Activist School on June 9th.  If we hope to unseat the current administration, which is comprised of a group of ultra-liberal men and women who are intent on destroying our "American Way of Life". If we don't ALL work together NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE to get more Conservative-thinking voters to the polls in November, our wonderful Republic will be quickly replaced with a version of European Socialism from which we may never recover.  If we are not willing to sacrifice OUR time and talents NOW to protect our Constitutional freedoms, I'm afraid we will leave it up to our children and grandchildren to shed THEIR blood to regain a fraction of the freedoms that WE now take for granted; freedoms that OUR fathers and grandfathers were willing to fight and die for just a few decades ago.  We can no longer just sit in the audience and listen to guest speakers who are just "preaching to the choir".  We must get individually involved and be willing to sacrifice OUR "lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor" to save our great nation from a future of dispair, debt and "Big Brother" watching our every movement and action.  I love you guys.  All the best, Tom"

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by Sue Sherrill ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about Sue Sherrill, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Reminder: Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting @ Thu Apr 19 7pm - 8pm (

Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
We are working to elect Conservative Constitutional candidates. And we WILL succeed!
Thu Apr 19 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Mathews, VA (map)
Who - organizer

Invitation from Google Calendar

You are receiving this email at the account because you set a reminder for this event on the calendar

You can change your reminders for specific events in the event details page in

RE: [Peninsula-Patriots] We the stupid

DeWitt, they are counting on us to go away!! We MUST NOT let this happen. We need all hands on deck!!!  Patriots let us hear you!!!!!

This is our Country and we the people will not be treaded on anymore!!!!!!






From: [] On Behalf Of DeWitt Edwards
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 4:07 PM
Subject: [Peninsula-Patriots] We the stupid


Patriots the attendance at our meetings has not been what it should be. Take a look at this article and decide if you think this is the time to lose interest. or grow weary. I think not,it is a time to renew our vigor and determination to turn things around. We can make a difference if we stay committed and keep our eye on the target. The Socialist have predicted the demise of the tea party. Are you going to let them succeed. Think about this, if we do not turn things around in the next six months and the Communist-in-chief gets reelected, it's all over. I hope you will make a commitment to attend the next meeting.



DeWitt Edwards 

"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 



Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by Dorothy Bayford ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about Dorothy Bayford , visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] We the stupid

Patriots the attendance at our meetings has not been what it should be. Take a look at this article and decide if you think this is the time to lose interest. or grow weary. I think not,it is a time to renew our vigor and determination to turn things around. We can make a difference if we stay committed and keep our eye on the target. The Socialist have predicted the demise of the tea party. Are you going to let them succeed. Think about this, if we do not turn things around in the next six months and the Communist-in-chief gets reelected, it's all over. I hope you will make a commitment to attend the next meeting.

DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about DeWitt Edwards, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |


The great protector of freedom for Virginia can become the great protector of freedom for all Americans if we elect him as a US Senator. Find out what Bob's voting record says about him.
DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 

----- Forwarded Message -----


Marshall: 'My first obligation is to the people'
By: BOB MARSHALL | Times-Dispatch 
Published: April 17, 2012
Editor's note: The Times-Dispatch Editorial Pages have invited the candidates for retiring U.S. Sen. Jim Webb's seat to write for our pages. All candidates, both Republican and Democratic, have accepted the invitation, and their columns will appear on the Op/Ed within the next couple of weeks.
Tim Kaine has already decided on a strategy against his presumed Republican opponent. But, a Bob Marshall June 12 primary win would mean Kaine will have wasted valuable time and $3 million aiming at the wrong target. In my 21 years in the General Assembly, I never supported tax increases or deficits and don't need to run from my record.
As congressional aide for six years I learned parliamentary procedure in depth. I don't wait for things to happen, I make them happen. I don't go along to get along because my first obligation is to the people.
I put Democrats on record. I put Republicans on record. I have helped override governors four times to pass bills without the governor's recommended changes. My votes and actions reflect an awareness of issues and problems that is guided by permanent principles, not the latest polls. I am candid, I don't pull punches, and I'm the only Republican Senate candidate who has clashed with Tim Kaine and won.
In 2007, I sued Richmond's entire political establishment, including then-Gov. Kaine, the Republican attorney general and the Republican speaker of the House, because they supported a law establishing unelected taxing authorities in Hampton Roads and Northern Virginia. In 2008, the Virginia Supreme Court decided 7-0 that the 14 taxes in the law were illegal and unconstitutional.
America fought a revolution opposing "taxation without representation." I sued. The people won.
I wrote Virginia's law challenging Obamacare in federal court because no one should be forced into a contract to buy anything. Kaine defends this nightmare. I authored the 2006 voter-approved Constitutional Marriage Amendment, which Kaine opposed.
When Kaine's appointees tried to compel church agencies to place children for adoption with homosexual couples or close, I exposed and helped block his plan. It is not bigotry to have the laws of Virginia reflect 2000 years of Judeo-Christian moral teaching.
In 2009, Kaine supported the addition of federal "stimulus" money to Virginia's budget. I voted no. In 2010, I voted against the budget when Republicans underfunded Virginia's Retirement System by $620 million. Retirement funds should go to retirees, not be used for general government expenses.
In 2009, Kaine opposed my HB 1685, which had bipartisan support, to prevent anonymous cash card campaign contributions. Barack Obama raised many tens of millions in this manner in 2008. I support transparency and accountability in all government activities.
In 1976, I helped devise the federal Hyde Amendment cutting off tax-paid abortions. This year I introduced HB 1, similar to Rep. Hyde's 1983 Respect Human Life Act supported by Ronald Reagan, which affirmed that children have constitutional rights from conception. Virginia teaches third-graders that life begins at conception.
Kaine criticized HB 1, which passed the House of Delegates and, for the first time, the Senate Health Committee. It was killed when moderate Republicans supported Democratic efforts to return HB 1 to committee. Caving on social issues is suicide for Republicans.
I am suing the University of Virginia with the American Traditions Institute for the research papers of Michael Mann, the intellectual "global warming" godfather behind Barack Obama's crusade to cripple America's manufacturing and energy production with arbitrary regulations and hundreds of billions if not trillions in unnecessary taxes. Kaine supports "cap and trade."
This year I introduced HB 1160 to prevent Virginia from cooperating in the federal indefinite "preventive detention" of American citizens accused of suspicious activity, without trial, legal counsel, presentment of charges, or the ability to face an accuser. Gov. Bob McDonnell offered amendments that I accepted.
In 1993, as a freshman delegate I successfully opposed building an expensive lottery building in downtown Richmond, costing several Democrats their seats.
In 1998, I led a floor fight for several hours when House Democrats refused to swear in three new Republican members, which tied the body 50-50. Every Republican delegate eventually stood up in the chamber protesting this naked power grab. Three days later Democrats agreed to share power in committees.
Developing our oil shale, coal and natural gas resources will require parliamentary savvy and uncompromising leadership. Exploring energy will bring jobs, help our economy, enhance national security and keep us out of wars.
Although Barack Obama won my district in 2008, I won 12 elections in Northern Virginia, nearly always being outspent. My 21-year record shows that I have been tried, tested and remained true to Virginians and our Constitution.
Virginians can trust that I will fight for them in Congress as hard as I have fought for them in the General Assembly. I know that our inalienable rights come from God, not man, and that the Constitution and the liberties of the people of Virginia are worth defending.
I ask for your vote, and would be honored to serve you.