Sunday, March 31, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] A response from county supervisor

After 3 years and many request to supervisors to establish dialogue with me, finally success from one. Thanks to O.J. Cole. I now understand that at least one of our supervisors in Mathews understands what is happening to our country. I suspect that there is one other but so far they have not opened up. Persistence finally pays off. I now feel that I can support O.J. if he decides to run for another term. Please read the article he sent to me today.

From: OJ COLE JR <>
To: DeWitt Edwards <>
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 9:27 PM

Forward as you wish. The situation is beyond deplorable. I fail to understand why the American population doesn't perceive the threat as real.

Sent via DroidX2 on Verizon Wireless™

-----Original message-----
From: DeWitt Edwards <>
"O.J. Cole, Jr." <>
Sun, Mar 31, 2013 20:39:13 GMT+00:00

Thank you for forwarding this article O.J.. I found it to be both informative and truthful. Over the years I have found the Canada Free Press and The New American Magazine to be the most reliable sources of information in a sea of dis-information. I especially like the writings of Ilena Johnson of the Canada Free Press who I correspond with occasionally.

I know that you are aware of my great concern about the survival of our country. The move toward a one world government started 100 years ago when Woodrow Wilson tried to create The League of Nations and has continued until this day through the creation of the United Nations and powerful subversive organizations. I think we are now seeing the culmination of their efforts. We have reached the point where they no longer have to hide their plans. It's a sad day for freedom loving people. Many have become afraid to speak the truth because they fear their own government.

Would you allow me to forward this to others with you name on it. Many of us activist have been longing for our elected officials to show that they understand our plight. That is true at all levels of government. We have no support at the federal level and only limited support at the state level. Thanks again.
"When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law".

Frederic Bastiat

From: "O.J. Cole, Jr." <>
To: DeWitt Edwards <>
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 1:56 PM


Sent from my iPad
O.J. Cole,Jr.
Mathews County
Board of Supervisors

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 31, 2013, 10:57:33 AM EDT


Intelligence insider: Obama administration agenda to "kill U.S Dollar"

- Doug Hagmann (Bio and Archives) Saturday, March 30, 2013
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This week, I had a series of very sobering discussions with my highly-placed source within the intelligence world. The information he provided hit me like a proverbial tons of bricks. It connects everything we are seeing play out across the world, from the economic problems in Europe to the U.S. DHS ammunition acquisition orders and even the "gun control" debate. If you're like me, you're looking for clarity, context and focus with regard to all of the events we're constantly hearing about but seem to lack legitimate explanation. I believe this report will provide the context and clarity we are all seeking, but I must warn you that the picture is not pretty.

The economic agenda: In plain sight

Some might be surprised to learn that the fate of America's economy has already been determined, verified and announced by the Obama White House. Yet, it has received scant attention from the corporate media. In 2011, economist Kyle Bass interviewed a senior member of the Obama administration about its planned solutions for fixing the US economy and trade deficit.
Among the questions he asked was about U.S. exports and wages, but the question itself was not nearly as important as the response he received from this senior administration official. In fact, this single, seven word response clarifies everything, explains everything, and leaves little else to discuss: "We're just going to kill the dollar."
There it is, the entire agenda in one short sentence. It explains everything we've been seeing domestically and globally. That one statement makes every other question irrelevant, or otherwise answers all economic questions and explains everything. Nothing else matters. I urge you to ponder that statement and all that it implies. Doing so will provide you with the clarity to understand not only what is taking place today, but what is yet to come.

Murder & High Treason

It is important to note the specificity of the word "kill." Stated in the active voice, it means an unambiguously intentional and deliberate act. The murder of our national currency, the United States Dollar (USD), is the ultimate agenda to be implemented under Obama. To "kill" our national currency will subvert the United States and destroy it from within. This begs a number of questions, including what type of Americans would actually have, as their objective, the destruction of our national currency? To whom do they hold their allegiance, if not to the American people whose life's work as well as the toil of our ancestors is represented in the form of wealth held in U.S. dollars? Does this make any sense to us, as Americans? The answer of course is "no."
By its very definition, to kill our national currency is an act of high treason by those engaged in this activity. It undermines the very sovereignty and survival of our nation, and will have a life-changing impact on every citizen in the U.S. It will also impact every nation and the people of every nation on the planet, as the USD is presently the world's reserve currency. It is an act that should result in the filing of criminal charges against the conspirators, a trial of their peers and if convicted, a death sentence. It's that serious.
According to my source, we are past the point of no return. We will not be able to stop what is coming, but must be wise enough to prepare and "get out of the way." The murder plot involving the death of the dollar did not begin with Obama, but he and other conspirators have accelerated the plans, plots and schemes for its demise.

The ultimate objective

The ultimate objective is to implement an international currency in tandem with a system of global governance. The problem is that most people are not thinking large enough, nor do they understand the magnitude of the lie. They are not seeing the larger picture as their focus is diverted elsewhere. For example, they focus on various tentacles of the octopus such as the gun confiscation initiative, the DHS armament acquisitions and economic woes as independent and unrelated events. They are not.
Meanwhile, others continue to adhere to, or even perpetuate the dual party meme of governance, holding dearly to the notion that there is a practical difference between the Republican and Democrat parties. Have we not seen sufficient evidence that they are now of one party acting in concert with each other? They cannot see the collusion and backroom deals, and continue to hope that the next election will finally change the unchangeable continuity of agenda.
Most of the elected officials are onboard with the subjugation of the United States to a global system of governance. Some are actively facilitating this agenda, while others are making nominal objections on the stage of political theater while hoping to earn a seat at the global table. It's entertainment for the globalists, distraction of the masses, and diversionary fodder for the talking heads in the media.
America has become a captured operation - captured from within. Think of the Vichy French, internal collaboration with the enemy, or softening the ground for a full takeover from within. The takeover of America has already happened, the collaborators have already been installed, and we are now on a path to complete subjugation of a larger global system of governance. If you continue to doubt this, how else would you explain the numerous examples of our dual-party governmental acquiescence of self destruction?

"Signs, signs, everywhere signs…"

Those who are pleased about the new record setting stock-market highs and various other manipulated statistics that indicate our economy is improving will be the most vocal critics of this report and who will attempt to discredit the validity of the information offered here. The more intellectually astute will look beyond the statistics offered for mass consumption not only to identify the deliberately manipulated data, but to understand what is actually driving these false hopes, figures and data. It is a magic show, and many are still captivated by the magicians' many diversions, failing to realize that we are engaged in a global war while being simultaneously hobbled by enemy infiltrators from within.
One reason we are seeing new stock market highs is the rush to the dollar from other currencies, especially in the Eurozone. Another reason is the monetization of our debt by the Federal Reserve, despite the previous denials of Ben Bernanke and others.
Simply put, the plan by the globalists, or the central bankers and those behind them, is to create this rush to the USD like passengers from sinking ships to lifeboats. Once the lifeboats are filled to capacity, they will be sunk, and the United States Dollar will be completely worthless. As in such a scenario, many will not make it. Many will die from what is coming. The level of evil behind this plan is incomprehensible to the normal human mind.

Russia, China, Syria and Iran

As I detailed in my multiple reports about Benghazi, we are at war with Russia. After removing Qaddafi from power in Libya, the Obama-Clinton black-ops plan was immediately put into action. Benghazi was the logistics hub for arming the anti-Assad terrorists by our own State Department covert operatives who were shipping millions of tons of weapons to Syria via Turkey and other staging areas. Russia was aware of our actions, and through the attack at the CIA operations center in Benghazi by proxy forces, exposed this operation to the world while putting a stop to this operation. It seems that everyone except the Western media reported what had taken place.
The "dirty little secret" that explains why we have not been told the truth about Benghazi is quite simple. The efforts to overthrow Assad from power are continuing, except the arms and munitions shipments are now originating primarily from Croatia. Overthrowing Assad would pose a direct threat to Russia, both militarily and economically. Are we to expect Russia's Putin to simply accept this without response? No. So what is Russia doing to subvert our efforts? He is waging war against America, striking at the weak underbelly of our economy which is the "oil backed" dollar as identified in Michael Reagan's article, Building on a Kernel of Truth.
Sadly, the Obama regime is doing nothing to protect us from this asymmetrical war. It's as if they are allowing it to take place.
Although it was reported in The New York Times, few have paid attention to last week's meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, but it was an extremely important event in terms of the planned murder of the U.S. dollar. An alliance is being forged between Russia and China to replace the USD as the reserve currency, already severely weakened by the policies of those in power, with a gold backed currency. Russia and China are hoarding gold to levels never before seen, while the U.S. issues worthless paper and digital currency backed by… nothing, save for the "oil-backed" scenario.
While reports do exist that cite the hoarding of gold by China and Russia, they are purposely under reporting their collective reserves. Meanwhile, Americans can't even get honest answers to the amounts of our own gold reserves held in Fort Knox or the Federal Reserve. Don't people find this reluctance for audit and inspection a bit curious if not outright suspicious?
The battle is being waged not only by military might but by a currency war. We are "being played" through our military involvement in the Middle East, including our covert operations against Syria at the behest of Saudi Arabia. Unlike Iraq, the war in Syria will explode, turn hot, and we will be engaged in an ominous battle that will quickly expand and turn deadly. Weakened militarily through the policies of the Obama regime, coupled with an already weakened economy, the U.S. will suffer consequences unlike anyone might imagine or is willing to address. It is a recipe for disaster planned and initiated by the global elite behind the central banking system, including those in our own government. We have been set up from within, lied to, and now, we are about to see exactly what this globalist system has in store for not only the United States, but every nation of the world.
It is critical to understand that the take-down of the U.S. will be the result of an asymmetrical war that includes the weakening of our military, our economy, and a direct assault on our ability to keep the dollar as the world reserve currency and protect the free flow of oil and energy to the United States.
Within the last week, China held a surprise naval exercise in the South China Sea. Meanwhile, Russia displayed their resurgent military night in the Black Sea. These exercises were conducted as U.S. military forces are spread thinly across many areas in the world. Is anyone paying attention here?
Just as certain a collapse of the dollar is coming, so will be chaos on the streets of America caused by this plan "to kill the dollar." The central bankers and the leaders selected to govern each country have effectively used the Hegelian Dialectic[ii] to implement their agenda. Just as stated by George H.W. Bush on September 11, 1990, their predetermined solution of a "New World Order" is being formed before our very eyes. They've told us what they are doing, but we have chosen not to listen or failed to understand what was being said.
The U.S. has always been the firewall against the globalists. By their persistence, infiltration of global elitists into our government, and covert subversion from within, we are being led to slaughter. A view from space, looking at the larger picture of events for which many have questions, a clearer picture emerges. There will be some who dare to resist the pillaging of our bank accounts, the erosion of our rights, and the enslavement that comes with the dismantling of America.
The dust clouds visible on the far horizon that watchmen have been reporting for decades can now be seen as an attacking army of barbarians, whose fighters are now on the ladders and cannons are breaching our empire's outer walls. Who knows how long the inner walls of our empire will survive the next wave of their coming attack.
Perhaps Ernest Hemmingway said it best in referencing John Donne from his novel of the same name… "And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee."

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Thursday, March 28, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: Common Core Education coming to Va.

This comes from our Middlesex Tea Party friend Trudy. It is a great opportunity to learn more about the important issue of Common Core Education coming to Virginia. 

From: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: Common Core Education coming to Va.

Middlesex Tea Party will host Jane Hogan who will present on Common Core, Thursday, May 2, at Cooks Corner Office Complex conference room, 7:00 p.m.  I've just confirmed it with her...Power Point presentation should be terrific!
-----Original Message-----
From: DeWitt Edwards <>
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Sent: Thu, Mar 28, 2013 4:19 pm
Subject: Common Core Education coming to Va.

If you have an interest in public education you need to read this and watch the videos. Someone needs to get it to members of the school board. I do not have their contact information. I don't think many people are aware of this but they need to be. If I have sent this before please forgive me.

The Infiltration of Virginia School System by the Common Core Standards

The Standards of Learning ( SOL )  form the foundation of the curriculum taught in public schools across Virginia, and recent adjustments have helped bring those standards in line with the Common Core. Virginia's educational standards are shown to mirror the purpose of the Common Core Standards.

Virginia's way to Common Core...

From the Virginia Department Of Education website:
Virginia Department Of Education and the Board of Education are using the commonwealth's established process for adopting and revising academic standards to incorporate content from the Common Core State Standards into the Standards of Learning (SOL). In doing so, the board and department are ensuring that expectations for teaching and learning in Virginia schools are comparable to, or in some instances exceed, those of the voluntary national standards

Reasons to Stop the Common Core and reclaim local control of education. You need to watch this quick 5 Part Series and send this information to your Virginia legislators!

Part 1 

Part 2                                

Virginia and the Common Core Standards

From Common Core 360:
Posted by: Jared Heath, content manager
Virginia Department of EducationEven when states aren't using the Common Core Standards, they still find themselves, well, using the Common Core Standards. Take Virginia, for example. In an article published by the Virginia-Pilot, Virginia's educational standards are shown to mirror the purpose of the Common Core Standards.
It's an appropriate move for the Commonwealth—Virginia was, after all, part of the committee to create the Common Core State Standards Initiative. So after all the work they put in to creating these Standards, why defer participation?
Part of the reason, according to the afore-mentioned article, is a desire not to throw the towel in on a set of Standards the state has been developing for a decade. The article states, "David Coleman, one of the national system's architects, told an audience recently in Norfolk that research from around the world had shown American students were being taught too many subjects too superficially. 'The standards need to be fewer, clearer, higher,' he said." That is exactly what the Virginia Department of Education has been trying to build for the last 10 years.
In 2010, the Common Core Standards hit the shelves, and the vast majority of the states bought in, so to speak. Virginia saw the benefits, and I found this on their website:
VDOE and the Board of Education are using the commonwealth's established process for adopting and revising academic standards to incorporate content from the Common Core State Standards into the Standards of Learning (SOL). In doing so, the board and department are ensuring that expectations for teaching and learning in Virginia schools are comparable to, or in some instances exceed, those of the voluntary national standards.
Virginia plans to meet and exceed the Common Core State Standards—and whether they achieve that goal or not, the important part is that they are creating a language around building both teacher and student capacity. The greatest thing that we can do for our students is to expect more from them and believe that they really can meet our expectations. Children have vast potential, and Virginia is expecting more from all children in what can prove to be the state's most equitable move in education.
I personally applaud Virginia's decisions. They recognize the quality in the Common Core Standards, and they are adopting the points that work for them while continuing with the system that they already have in place.
What do you think about Virginia's quasi-integration of the Common Core Standards?
To stop the Common Core infiltration in Virginia and reclaim local control of education, It's very important to get this information to all Virginia legislators!
DeWitt Edwards 

"When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law".

Frederic Bastiat

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |


I am hopeful that some of our Peninsula Patriots will focus on Regionalism. Those who have attended the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission have seen first hand regionalism in action. I believe that there are 22 planning district commissions in Virginia. Here is an example of what is happening in Georgia. 

March, 28, 2013, Roswell, GA – Last night, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and PNC Bank hosted a community forum on Regionalism.  According to the event marketing, the forum was a direct response to the failure of the transportation sales tax referendum last summer.   The companies claim that T-SPLOST was actually a "failure of metro Atlanta's fragmented communities to work together as a region."   Transportation Leadership Coalition (TLC) disagrees with this assumption and launches website in response. 
"It isn't a failure of metro Atlanta's 'fragmented communities to work together,'" said Jack Staver, Chairman of the Transportation Leadership Coalition.  "The issue is dysfunctional county governments who are not willing to do the hard work to protect their counties and come up with mutually beneficial solutions with their neighboring counties.  This is highly concerning," Staver continues, "because regionalism is the fastest growing issue in Georgia that most citizens do not know exists."
Regionalism was first introduced to Georgians in 2008 when the Georgia General Assembly passed HB 1216 and was signed into law by Governor Sonny Purdue.  HB 1216 reorganized the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.  It established 12 regions and created the governing structure for those who woul
serve on these regional councils creating regional commissions.   
"The biggest concern with this approach is that the regions are 'ruled' by governing councils who were not elected to serve," said Field Searcy, a key member of the TLC team.  "We citizens have no recourse with regional councils like we have with an elected county commissioner or city council.  If you think about it, appointed officials are not accountable to us, the people.  They are accountable to whoever appointed them."  Searcy continues, "The United States Constitution 'guarantee[s] to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government.'  That means elected officials, not appointed ones, represent us.  Our own state Constitution provides for Home Rule.  Home Rule protects our individual rights, prevents state government from interfering in city and county operations, and protects the principle of one person, one vote." aims to help educate the people of Georgia on the dangers of Regionalism and stop the growth of an unelected and unaccountable form of government.   


DeWitt Edwards 

"When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law".

Frederic Bastiat

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] "What's Wrong with Ethanol?" - Town Hall

Fellow Pats --
     Here is an article from the Minute Man last year on gasohol that y'all might find of interest.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 8:36 PM, Ruth Litschewski <> wrote:
Great opportunity for us to join the Middlesex TP group hosting a very interesting Town Hall.
Check this out.

*Town Hall*
"What's Wrong with Ethanol?"
Jerry Lehman, Speaker
Retired flight engineer and businessman 
-Thursday, April 4, 2013 @7:00 p.m.-
Cooks Corner Office Complex
Public Conference Room
2693 General Puller Highway, Saluda, VA
With gas prices above $4 a gallon in many parts of the U.S., consumers have a right to know why. Crude oil prices have fallen by 1% since the end of February while gas prices are up 12%.  Higher oil prices aren't the answer.  Blame this one, at least in part, on Washington and ethanol.  -WSJ, 3/11/13
Let's learn what we can do about it!
Sponsored by the Middlesex Tea Party

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This message was sent by Ruth Litschewski ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about Ruth Litschewski, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

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This message was sent by Ted Williams ( from Peninsula Patriots.
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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] "What's Wrong with Ethanol?" - Town Hall

Always when I'm at work!!! GOD Bless
Think about who you are and what you are about...Whom do you serve?God or Mammon?Freedom or tyranny?-----David W. Callis 2011

From: Ruth Litschewski <>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 8:36 PM
Subject: [Peninsula-Patriots] "What's Wrong with Ethanol?" - Town Hall

Great opportunity for us to join the Middlesex TP group hosting a very interesting Town Hall.
Check this out.

*Town Hall*
"What's Wrong with Ethanol?"
Jerry Lehman, Speaker
Retired flight engineer and businessman 
-Thursday, April 4, 2013 @7:00 p.m.-
Cooks Corner Office Complex
Public Conference Room
2693 General Puller Highway, Saluda, VA
With gas prices above $4 a gallon in many parts of the U.S., consumers have a right to know why. Crude oil prices have fallen by 1% since the end of February while gas prices are up 12%.  Higher oil prices aren't the answer.  Blame this one, at least in part, on Washington and ethanol.  -WSJ, 3/11/13
Let's learn what we can do about it!
Sponsored by the Middlesex Tea Party

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This message was sent by Ruth Litschewski ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about Ruth Litschewski, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

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This message was sent by David Callis ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about David Callis, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Monday, March 25, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Latest edition of The Clarion

Attached is the latest edition of The Clarion.  Please take the time to read this short periodical  (8 pages)  by our very own Andy Maggard.  It is very educational regarding many current topics of great importance from a Constitutional perspective.   Thanks Andy and for everyone contributing articles.





Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by Ruth Litschewski ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about Ruth Litschewski, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

[Peninsula-Patriots] "What's Wrong with Ethanol?" - Town Hall

Great opportunity for us to join the Middlesex TP group hosting a very interesting Town Hall.
Check this out.

*Town Hall*
"What's Wrong with Ethanol?"
Jerry Lehman, Speaker
Retired flight engineer and businessman 
-Thursday, April 4, 2013 @7:00 p.m.-
Cooks Corner Office Complex
Public Conference Room
2693 General Puller Highway, Saluda, VA
With gas prices above $4 a gallon in many parts of the U.S., consumers have a right to know why. Crude oil prices have fallen by 1% since the end of February while gas prices are up 12%.  Higher oil prices aren't the answer.  Blame this one, at least in part, on Washington and ethanol.  -WSJ, 3/11/13
Let's learn what we can do about it!
Sponsored by the Middlesex Tea Party

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by Ruth Litschewski ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about Ruth Litschewski, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Saturday, March 23, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] We Made Waves

Here is a clip from CPAC.

.......and patriots we will continue to make waves.....both videos are worth the watch

Subject: We Made Waves
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 14:23:02 +0000

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We Made Waves


As we wrap up our involvement with CPAC this year, we wanted to let you know that we made waves! Our short teaser trailer, "A Movement on Fire," went viral and made the liberal media's heads spin! Today, we'd like to release the final extended version with a theme song that was written by one of our very own Support Team Members. We also have a better quality video of Jenny Beth Martin's rousing speech. Take a look for yourself and share with your friends and family. Together we will take up the torch for liberty and win back our freedom!
Don't forget to Like on Facebook our Facebook page to help us "March to a Million."

"Stand Up and Fight!" - Jenny Beth Martin

(Click to watch the speech in full)
Take Up the Torch Music Video

Thank you,
Tea Party Patriots National Support Team
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2013
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1025 Rose Creek Drive
Ste 620-322
Woodstock, GA  30189
Support: 404-593-0877

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |