Tuesday, February 26, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fwd: Sellout Updates and Lt. Gov. Forum

From our Mathews Republic Chair, Dave Davis:

The state Tea Parties are livid with our Governor and Legislators.  They are using "Trifecta of Fraud" and "sellout" as descriptive terms.  Here is just one communication I have received.  I have cc'd Keith so that he gets a heads up about how most of us feel.  When the general public begins to understand the taxes headed for them, all hell will break loose.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 2/26/2013 8:32:52 AM
Subject: Sellout Updates and Lt. Gov. Forum
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Update from Roanoke Tea Party
Govenor McDonnell's "trifecta of fraud" sellout....on taxes, Medicaid expansion and exchanges.....has received national coverage from the Conservative media. And if you were watching the Channel 7 news last night, I had a short interview on there as well (clip isn't on WDBJ7.com yet).

We will be meeting next Thursday...on March 7....to cover this and more importantly....action items for addressing those who sold us out. Read more about the sell out here.....and here. This was entirely predictable as McDonnell has a record of deceit. More on that here.

There is also an Lt. Governor Forum this weekend at Natural Bridge. If you are interested to see if any of these candidates could actually be trusted to follow through on their word....you should make your way there. Information is a click away.

Chip Tarbutton
Roanoke Tea Party
Roanoke Tea Party
P.O. Box 20285
Roanoke Virginia 24018
United States

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