Friday, February 15, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Establishment vs Constitutionalists 2-11-13

From: Sue Long
Sent: Thu, Feb 14, 2013 11:39 pm
Subject: Fw: Establishment vs Constitutionalists 2-11-13

"If Congress won't do it, I will "  Barack Obama
Who appointed him the absolute ruler?  Sue Long


—  JBS Weekly Member Update  —
February 11, 2013
The JBS HQ offices in Appleton will be closed on Presidents Day, Monday, Feb. 18.
Republican Establishment Declares War on Tea Party
Political strategist Karl Rove wrote in the New York Times last week that he was helping to set up the Conservative Victory Project (CVP). According to the Washington Post, his goal is to "keep less-electable conservative Republicans from winning primaries."
An interesting observation though some are making is that the establishment Republicans track record of choosing candidates is poor at best. Yet many liberty/Tea Party-backed candidates have been elected without the help of the Republican establishment.
Seeing this as a threat to the establishment's money machine, the CVP really wants to stop the conservative base from choosing liberty candidates who would adhere to the Constitution. At a time when the November losses come fresh to mind, shouldn't "conservatives" be working together? Actually, this method is nothing new. The establishment Republicans seek only to protect party as has been demonstrated time and again. This largely occurred during the Goldwater campaign in 1964.
The JBS has never supported a political party or political candidate and never will. We do not get into the habit of telling members or supporters who to vote for, rather we promote the adherence to the Constitution by all those in office and those seeking office, regardless of party. When was the last time either party adhered to the Constitution?
Stop the Confirmation of Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary
Considering his voting record, affiliations, and key endorsements, Hagel is unfit for the responsibilities expected of a Secretary of Defense and his nomination may have grave implications with regards to the defense of our country and the very policies that affect the brave men and women of our nation's armed forces.
Learn more and contact your senators today.
Oklahoma's HB 1021 Nullifying ObamaCare as Explained by Dr. Ritze, OK State Legislator
Oklahoma State Representative Dr. Mike Ritze recently introduced HB 1021 to nullify ObamaCare. He addressed the Council of The John Birch Society, members and staff at the dinner conference held last fall in Houston, Texas. His speech focused on the efforts that Oklahoma was undertaking to block the new health care law.
He and fellow Oklahoma legislators heading this are now being contacted by many other states to get copies of the legislation to introduce too.
Watch his speech and pass along his contact information to your state legislators. Many times, state legislators will step forward when legislators in other states are having success. Dr. Ritze welcomes other state legislators to contact him and request the legislation. He's happy to offer advice on this topic.
Dr. Ritze mentions the educational efforts of JBS members in Oklahoma a number of times. At the end of the video, he says, "We know that The John Birch Society is the one that is providing the leadership, and I hope that if you're not a member you'll join to give us more presence because we just added two more Birchers to the Oklahoma legislature for a total of six and a possibility of three more after the general election. My wife and I pray for the John Birch Society and their members and their staff every single day and sometimes more often than that. Because we know that if it hadn't been for The John Birch Society, we would have been long gone into socialism."
Have you joined JBS yet or recruited others?
National Visit Your State Legislator Day: February 20
Don't miss next week's National Visit Your State Legislator Day to help battle the Con-Con calls. The February JBS Bulletin offers a plan for members. Be sure to download it today from the Member's section of by logging in.
More tools located at the Choose Freedom, Stop A Con-Con page. Let us know how you did!
Oklahoma members met to do this last week and reported dozens of visits with legislators. They are predicting success with additional follow-up communication scheduled.
February 11: 7:00 PM. Stop the Con Con Presentation, Cherry Hill, NJ
February 15: 7:30 PM. Stop the Con-Con Presentation, Williamstown, NJ.
February 21: 7:00 PM. Beware of Con-Cons Video Presentation, North Brunswick, NJ.
February 26: 7:00 PM. Agenda 21 Presentation, Voorhees, NJ.
March 5: 7:00 PM. Agenda 21 Presentation, Caldwell, TX, with JBS Coordinator Ken Hoover.
March 9: 10:00 AM. The Great Global Warming Swindle Presentation, Southington, CT.
April 23: 7:30 PM. Get US Out of the UN, Bayside, NY, with JBS President John McManus.
April 24: 7:30 PM. Get US Out of the UN, Runnemede, NJ, with JBS President John McManus.
April 25: 7:30 PM. Get US Out of the UN, Riverdale, NJ, with JBS President John McManus.
May 4: 11:00 AM. The JBS Council Dinner, Dublin, OH.
Phone: (800) JBS-USA1
The John Birch Society is  a proud member organization of Character First, dedicated to helping people see the value of good they can build better workplaces and communities.
The John Birch Society is dedicated to bringing about less government, more responsibility, and — with God's help — a better world by providing leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and Constitutional principles.

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