Sunday, February 10, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Benjamin S. Carson's National Prayer Breakfast Speech


Dr. Benjamin Carson suddenly appeared and just might be President Obama's worst nightmare.  Dr. Carson is a pediatric neuro-surgeon and came from inordinately "humble" beginnings.  Dr. Carson is from a family that is all-to familiar with America's poor and poverty stricken.  His mother was "1 of 24" children.  She received a 3rd grade education.  She gave birth to Dr. Carson at age 13.  Mrs. Carson was determined to "break the cycle" of poverty among blacks in America.  She would demand that Dr. Carson and his siblings read books, then write book reports on what they had read.  Although Mrs. Carson was unable to read, she would still make "check marks" on their papers to acknowledge that she was aware of their work.
Dr. Carson is neither Democrat or Republican.  Regardless of how you feel about me, or my political ideology, please take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with Dr. Carson.  He has announced that he will soon be retiring from neuro-surgery, but will still be involved in research and teaching.  By listening to him, and what he has found wrong with the current "state of affairs," it is anyone's guess where he may be headed. 
Out of respect, please observe his character.
A friend of mine has asked me to pass this on.  I ask that you do the same.  In short, our country is a mess...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Benjamin S. Carson's National Prayer Breakfast Speech

What you don't share with others will never get heard.  If everyone I sent this to would send it with the comment of ignoring the journalism comment and LISTEN to what he has to say then it would reach a huge number of people and JUST THINK -- maybe some of those that would NOT normally listen to it, might actually listen to it.  WHAT he has to say is so important and takes me back to my high school Government teacher (good old West Virginia boy!).
-----Original Message-----
To: edwinetta16 <>
Sent: Sat, Feb 9, 2013 11:04 am
Subject: Re: Benjamin S. Carson's National Prayer Breakfast Speech

I watched him give it to the "Great President of this once-great nation" last night.  Sounded great to me.  Problem is this.  The people that need to hear him, will ignore him...
It is felt that we may in fact witness the "3rd American Revolution..."
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 10:46 AM
Subject: Benjamin S. Carson's National Prayer Breakfast Speech

You know that I normally do not send out anything that has to do with politics/government, but this video is not taking aim at parties or persons.  This video is just over 25 minutes long, but it is one that we all need to listen to.  When you go to the link, you want to do two things:
  1. Immediately scroll down so that you are not driven crazy by the flashing numbers about our national debt.
  2. Don't worry about the journalistic comments.
What you need to do is listen to this man!  We need more of this type of thinking in our country.  The message that Benjamin Carson shares, in my opinion, is outstanding.  He does not lay blame on any political party; he and his wife act on their beliefs -- they don't just talk about them; and he says what he believes , he ignores political correctness.  We need more like him!
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