Thursday, September 20, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] How UN Agenda 21 will effect you

Over the last two years or so I have tried to get people to understand how UN Agenda 21 is stripping away their property rights and freedom and leading America and other nations into a one world government. The driving force behind this is radical environmentalism. The sad truth is, the average citizen on the street knows little or nothing at all about it. However, over the past few months more and more national organizations are beginning to speak out against it. The National Republican Convention as well as numerous states have drafted resolutions against it. Hopefully in time more and more people will become better informed and begin putting pressure on local, state and federal governments to remove funding for anything related to it. The following short video is excellent in showing just how radical environmentalism took a very different path away from good stewardship environmentalism which can be supported by everyone. Please take a few minutes to view it. Thanks

 Waving USA FLag
DeWitt Edwards 
Why are there bad politicians? Because God gives us what we deserve. We reap what we sow. 

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil."
Thomas Mann 

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