Thursday, September 27, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fwd: Invitation to all Tea Party and Patriot Group members...Tea Party Federation Annual Conference ...early bird special ticket prices expire OCT 10th

Peninsula Patriots!   Here is our next step after the election.  We will have plenty to do no matter who wins.  Please consider attending.  Below is the official invitation.  We can consider car-pooling if a group wants to go.   We'll discuss at our next meeting.

Please join us for a fun weekend to meet and network with fellow patriots from across the state. The speakers, workshops and seminars are all designed to give us tools to use in restoring our country to our Founding Fathers' vision of a government of, by and for the people.
Early bird tickets available until OCT 10th
Hope to see you there.
The VTPP Executive Committee
"Getting There from Here"
Tools ~ Solutions ~ Next Steps
Nov 16, 3pm - Nov 18, noon
(Private Conference for Tea Party and Patriot Group members)
The grassroots is well aware of the issues we face in winning our country back.
This conference will focus on "Where we go from here and how" steps!
18-24 seminars and workshops.
The agenda is still being developed but here is a current list of workshops and seminars: (updated 9/23)
" Invoking 'Coordination' with Federal Agencies" (Fri, Nov 16, 3-6pm)
Jay Verhulst from Wisconsin has done over 20 successful 'Coordinations'; a little known / understood way to push back federal regulations that we are not taking advantage of in Virginia . This seminar is open to elected officials and Federation guests.
CoLA legislation roll out.
Federation CoLA legislation will be introduced. Bills in the works currently involve taxes, property rights, Agenda 21, voter fraud, privacy, NDAA push-back, tax credits, ALAC, Health Care Compact, Food Freedom Act, smart meters, drones and more.
  • Artur Davis (Sat dinner speaker) quote: "The Tea Party Saved America"...reformed democrat...he spoke at the RNC convention / Tampa
  • Peter Vessenes (Fri. dinner speaker): "How to successfully engage in a conversation with a progressive"
  • Tom DeWeese unveils "Sustainable Freedom Lab". His new plan to fight Agenda 21
  • "Agenda 21 for Elected Officials". John Anthony. How to discuss Agenda 21 with elected officials.
  • How to use the Legislative Information System website and Lobbyist in a by Diane Seaborn. Manager of the General Assembly info system which is the same system our elected officials use for their work.
  • Overcoming the MSM. Americans for Prosperity. Increasing Tea Party influence and getting your message out in spite of a hostile media,
  • How to increase the conservative majority on the RPV State Central Committee.
  • "New Leaders Project" American Majority. Finding, vetting and supporting candidates.
  • "Introduction to Campaigning". (For those considering a run for office)
  • Holding elected officials accountable.
  • Precinct organizing. Turn voter data into activist data.
  • Building your relationship with elected officials.
  • Peter Vessenes "The Golden Rules of Economics". Is Capitalism still alive in America?
  • Strengthening your Tea Party: Expanding membership, building coalitions, increasing influence, effective meetings, fundraising, open mic idea session
Tickets and hotel reservations link
Early bird special ends Oct 10. Ticket prices then increase $15 per ticket.
Hotel special $79 per night single room rate (plus tax) guaranteed until Nov 1
Crowne Plaza Downtown
555 E Canal st, Richmond VA 23219
Business casual ~ FREE PARKING
Wireless available...Bring your computer (you may need an extension cord!)

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This message was sent by Ruth Litschewski & Carl Nitzsche ( from Peninsula Patriots.
To learn more about Ruth Litschewski & Carl Nitzsche, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

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