Sunday, June 16, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Stop the Amnesty Bills in Congress

Don't count on the House to stop this bill!

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 4:23 PM
Subject: Stop the Amnesty Bills in Congress

Stop the Amnesty Bills in Congress
In her video interview with WND TV on June 12, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) explained how an amnesty bill could be approved by Congress by the end of July. Here's a key excerpt from WND's article that accompanied the video:
Bachmann explained, step by step, how a bill she believes conservatives should naturally oppose easily could be approved by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.
"The Senate is going to pass a very bad bill. The House will pass what will sound like a pretty good bill. But I'm just here to tell you, it's a Trojan horse."
The lawmaker said the bill will say, "We're going to secure the borders," so all the Republicans will vote for the bill. Then the bill will go to a conference committee where it will undergo a dramatic change.
"The good guts of the Trojan horse bill will be pulled out," she said. "The very bad amnesty provisions will be put in the bill. The bill will go to the House floor, and it won't be Republicans that pass it.
"It'll be Nancy Pelosi leading all the House Democrats to vote for it, and just enough Republicans will vote for the bill and you'll have amnesty," predicted Bachmann.
She said that's been the strategy behind the scenes all along.
"I think the master plan of the ruling class that runs Washington, D.C., is to ram this bill through before the American people know what has hit them and before members of Congress even know what has hit them."
Bachamnn said there is only one person who can stop the master plan and that person is "you."
"I'm just telling WND viewers that if you sit this one out and you don't start hitting the phone lines and email, calling and visiting your representatives now and saying, 'No amnesty now, no amnesty ever,' we're going to have perpetual amnesty for illegal immigration."
She predicted that if amnesty becomes the law "the whole political system will change."
So, in a nutshell Bachmann is saying don't count on the House to stop amnesty, and also that the only way that amnesty can be stopped is by a huge outpouring of protest from the grassroots to Congress.
If you agree that amnesty must be stopped, email your representative and senators in opposition to any amnesty bill, then phone and/or visit them (or their staffs) with the same message. 
More importantly send the link (see P.S. below) to the article on that has the same content as this email to your network of like-minded people and organizations and urge them to make use of the above links for contacting Congress.


Your Friends at The John Birch Society

P.S. Click here to view this email as an article posted on Forwarding the link to this article is a useful way of spreading the word.

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