I'm curious Alan. What is your solution? Whose morals should decide the basis of our laws? Yours? Mine? What did the Founding Fathers say should be the basis of our form of government, when it comes to morality?
From: alanflewis@yahoo.com
To: Peninsula-Patriots-list@meetup.com
Subject: Alan: [Peninsula-Patriots] How could such a thing happen: My Reaction
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 17:17:44 -0500
Mr Edwards I have to react to the points in your email;
Every time we have one of these so-called instances; there is political exploitation of these instances from both sides of the spectrum.
I find it interesting that people who immediately support the second amendment when these events happen turn right back around and attack other amendments about constitution. For example during the Aurora shooting, I heard an social religious arch-conservative radio talk show host immediately support unlimited second amendment rights ( I am a strong supporter of the second amendment by the way.) Turn right back around and attacked the "Dark Knight Rises: Batman movie as a vile movie. (I woulod like to add Batman has always been a right-wing conservativew hero.
Let me react to each one of your points one by one:
"It happened because of the modern LEFTIST culture that has removed all semblances of personal responsibility and respect.It happened because of the Hollywood and television types who lecture the Conservatives on how people should live, while they make FORTUNES producing absolute FILTH in their movies and on television programs."
Both conservative and Liberal celebrities lecture each other on how people should live, how many young celebrity actresses have preached abstinence only to find out that they have ended up as harlots (examples Brittney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Miley Cyrus), How many conservative men celebrities have preached family values only to later on find out that they have had affairs and not all movies are absolute filth. I love movies, I do not want anyone telling me: what movies i can watch, or what music I can listen to, or what books I can read; or what TV shows I can watch.
And shows that make people laugh at the pain and humiliation of others.It happened because multi-millionaire computer game producers create UGLY digital scenarios that poison young minds with abject and gratuitous violence"
"I partially agree with this, I think there is some truth to this. I do believe video games ar very violent. I have several violent video games that I enjoy playing. I am a big fan of call-to-duty series. But I would like to make this point, most of the people who play these types of games I would be willing to put money on it that they are more conservative and right wing than left wing. Because conservatives are pro-military (nothing is wrong with this I am pro-military)
3.) It happened because the school system doesn't teach values, and promotes the idea that everything goes.
Now this really interesting because when it comes to this issue, i have noticed that there are two groups of conservatives. i heard some conservatives state that they feel the public school system is becoming a type of police state. I went back to school back in the 1970's and they were really mean, and the conservatives actually supported this. As a matter of fact I ended up getting put into a mental hospital when I was younger.
4.) And that no one ever fails.
I would like to say that most of the people who commit these types of crimes generally see themselves as failures and losers and they are very angry about this. and this is one way that they fight back. Becuase they are angry at society. So that is a bunch of nonsense.
5.) It happened because LEFTISTS won't allow concerned and loving parents to discipline their children, or raise their children the way they want to.
"Now this really gets to me, because not all parents are right-wing conservatives, not all parents are conservative christians." This person who commited this act was 20 years old. He was not a minor. This stand that I take is very unpopular with many people. Because I do believe that parents should not have the right to do whatever they want (with no limits) with there children. I do not believe that a parent should be able to impose any wily nily punishment for any wily-nily action." Again one of the reasons I have this opinion is because at one time in my life I was put into a mental hospital, and found out that many of the mental patients that I was with had rebelled against their parents. A good example was a daughter whoi refused to go to church because she did not believe in Christianity, this could work the other way. Let's say you have an athiest parent who was very hostile to Christianity and the son or daughter wants to go to Church.
6.) Liberals spend far too much time and effort ridiculing and attacking people who want to live by the lessons of the Bible and the Torah
"Now this is something that I would like to bring up that is very significant point. Because one of the major points I would like to bring up is that many religious social conservatives like to point out the fact that one the reason we have so many vile crimes is because of Liberalism and the fact that Biblical principles are no longer part of are society. First of all as a non-Christian one of the reasons I have rejected Chrsitianity is the fact that my father commited suicide, and under the Christian belief system my father is now burning in the eternal flames of Hell and i will never see him again. This is very painful and hard for me to except. I ask all of you to understand my dilemma. I believe that there is some truth to this, at least for the common criminal, who have grown up with no values and no discipline. But when it comes to the disturbed deranged madman this is not always the case.
A good example of this is Ed Gein ( Who was a serial murdererer who became the basis for Hitchcock's "Psycho" and Texas Chainsaw Massacre), from what i have read about him his mother was a strict religious woman who raised him a strict sexually religious environment. Ted Bundy actually worked for the Republican Party. There is a significant category of serial killers (not all of them) have come from very sexually repressive religious environments.
Now guys getting rid of all guns will not solve the problem, equally I would also like to make the point that getting rid of all violent video games and violent TV shows and movies will not get rid of the problem. I would also like to add that shoving th bible down everybdies throat will not sove the problem. Any more than "Prohibition" solved the alcohol problem.
And I would also like to add that getting rid of abortion wont' solve all of our problems either.
From: nancy e. malec <nannydog77@yahoo.com>
To: Peninsula-Patriots-list@meetup.com
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] How could such a thing happen
To: Peninsula-Patriots-list@meetup.com
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] How could such a thing happen
there is something to be said for believing that a Supreme Being is watching you and will exact justice upon you if you mess up....and it is also comforting to know that the same Supreme Being will love you and care for you and answer your prayers if you keep his Word.... There will always be nutcases and just plain evil beings out there..... in the midst of all the ban gun talks, very little was made of the person in China, who sliced up 22 children with a knife.... I send prayers to all those suffering today over the loss of their loved ones and for those that will be haunted by this incident.... I wonder if having a marksman in schools like an air marshall would be a deterrent.....or at least quicker justice.... before so many will be killed.... GOD BLESS YOU! nancy For a touch of class... Yankeestaff! Staffordshire Bull Terriers Nancy E. Malec (804) 210-1526 --- On Fri, 12/14/12, DeWitt Edwards <l_edwards@verizon.net> wrote:
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