Just keep on doing it at least until November. What is the alternative?
DeWitt Edwards
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it"
From: Catherine Crabill <ccrabill@verizon.net>
To: 'DeWitt Edwards' <l_edwards@verizon.net>; 'Peninsula-Patriots' <peninsula-patriots-list@meetup.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: RED ALERT (a message from Tom)
I've done all of the below with ZERO effect. Now what?From: DeWitt Edwards [mailto:l_edwards@verizon.net]
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 1:08 PM
To: Catherine Crabill; 'Peninsula-Patriots'
Subject: Re: RED ALERT (a message from Tom)I'm glad you asked Catherine. We keep informing people and get them to join a tea party. We reinvigorate the current tea party members to battle the looming threat to our freedom. We encourage people to write and call their congress men and women until they listen to us. We work as hard as possible to get people out to vote. We put up signs and bill boards saying "Vote Republican Your Life Depends on It". We tell people about the importance of preparing for the worse and get prepared ourselves. And finally the most important thing, pray that God will protect this country for the sake of those who love and serve Him.DeWitt Edwards"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it"From: Catherine Crabill <ccrabill@verizon.net>
To: 'DeWitt Edwards' <l_edwards@verizon.net>; 'Peninsula-Patriots' <peninsula-patriots-list@meetup.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:18 PM
Subject: RE: RED ALERT (a message from Tom)So what do we do?From: DeWitt Edwards [mailto:l_edwards@verizon.net]
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 11:27 AM
To: Peninsula-Patriots
Subject: RED ALERT (a message from Tom)See Tom's email below.DeWitt Edwards"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it"
Subject: Fw: Fw: RED ALERTTom Robinson's response.Subject: Re: Fw: RED ALERTGood Morning Patriots,
The Red Alert is the culmination of far too many recent Executive Orders, and spineless politicians from both parties who have been apathetic at best and treasonous at worst. Conservative, and usually reliable, news sources worldwide have come up with the same conclusion.....The next six months leading up to the scheduled, but possibly cancelled, postponed or manipulated presidential election will be the most important, stressful and dangerous months of our lives. With Homeland Security stationing up to ten thousand high-capacity prisoner trucks throughout the nation, purchasing 450,000,000 rounds of ammunition, preparing for highway checkpoints, building and preparing to staff hundreds of "internment/re-education" camps nationwide, how can we remain complacent? Obama has threatened the Supreme Court, ignored Congress, surrounded himself with Czars who are willing to do his bidding at any moment, and authorized his cabinet Secretaries to take over every facet of our daily lives when Obama, at his sole discretion, decides that martial law is in the "best interest" of America. Rep. Allen West just recently named 81 Democrat members of Congress who are members of the Communist Party. What was branded as treason a few years ago is now openly admitted, without fear of reprisal.
The foundation of the Peninsula Patriots was the high point in my life. Just over three years ago we all thought that calling and writing our elected officials would be sufficient in protecting our future. Our opponents, however, were just as active in their calling and writing campaigns. We then realized that we had to leave our comfort zones and our comfortable homes to physically attend protests in D.C. and the state capital. At each rally, we were branded as bigots, right-wing loons, racists, and worse. The insults were hurled at us by the opposition, liberal elected officials and the mainstream media that we were brought up to believe was fair and unbiased. Boy! were we wrong!
As late as two weeks ago, I mentioned that...."If we don't get ACTIVELY involved NOW and make some personal sacrifices, we may very well force our grandchildren to make the ultimate sacrifice in a 2nd American Revolution to reclaim the freedoms we took for granted, and lost without a fight." I am now revising my time table, and feel forced to state: "If WE don't get organized, prepared and trained for the worst NOW, we may very well be fighting and shedding blood next to our children to protect our homes, our food supplies and our basic freedoms from Obama's growing private army of labor unions, illegal aliens, welfare recipients, and federal workers, led by his Czars and their agents of destruction.
I hate to sound so foreboding, but it will be much too late to sound the alarm if we lose the internet, our phones and electricity, all of which are now under his sole command.
These are the facts......If we don't recruit new active PenPat members ASAP we are just spinning our wheels and not gaining one extra vote against Obama. Just a few months ago, ads for survival foods and supplies only appeared on rightwing radio shows and survivalist publications. Now, however, big box stores like Costco and Sams Club are warning us to be prepared, and feature several pages of these foods and supplies in their new on-line catalogs. Military units are now being questioned about their loyalty to the "government", not to the "Constitution", and asked if they will be willing to fire upon American citizens who refuse or resist to turn in their firearms and ammunition if ordered to do so.....and the list grows almost daily.
Please make plans to attend our next meeting on the 21st. We need to get serious about: getting out the vote, informing our friends, relatives and neighbors about the dangers we face (They won't hear any of it on MSNBC, NBC, etc.), growing and preserving fruits and vegetables, emergency food storage and preparation, home protection, communications, transportation, medical emergency care, etc.
I hope to see you, your family, friends and neighbors on the 21st. The future of our once great nation is in YOUR hands.
Love You Guys,
Tom----- Original Message -----From: Tricia MilesSubject: Fw: RED ALERTI am assuming that all of you have accessed the link below and read the article. What do y'all think about calling an emergency meeting of all of us--Pen Pats, MCRC, Concerned Citizens, etc., to discuss this and spread the word? There is a meeting of the Pen Pats coming up on May 21 that may be a good opportunity--OR something so sensitive may require an alternate venue.----- Original Message -----From: DeWitt EdwardsSent: Monday, May 07, 2012 11:30 AMSubject: RED ALERTIt is extremely important that you read and understand the information in this article. It comes from Canada Free Press which I have found to be accurate and informative in their news. They are second only to the New American in that regard. I actually received this information from a friend Saturday from another source but did not send it out until I could confirm it's accuracy for fear it would cause unnecessary alarm if it were not true.DeWitt Edwards"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it"![]()
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
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This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards (l_edwards@verizon.net) from Peninsula Patriots.
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