Saturday, August 31, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fwd: "Cantor Encounter!" demonstration and town hall press release

-----Original Message-----
From: larryn <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 8:05 pm
Subject: "Cantor Encounter!" demonstration and town hall press release

Here's the press release, attached as a pdf, too.

Laurence "Larry" Nordvig
Executive Director,
Richmond Tea Party

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

[Peninsula-Patriots] Re: Yellow sign

Bob I think you guys are a good example of what an active tea party should be and set a goal that the rest should strive for. We in the Peninsula Tea Party do some of the things you describe. For example Andy Maggard publishes "The Clarion" which has great articles contributed by numerous authors. He, Sue Long and some other members have regular letters to the editor of the Gazette-Journal and other newspapers. We recently distributed approximately 1000 flyers by five teams placing them in paper boxes throughout the county. In the future we may consider doing what you guys did by having them placed in our local paper instead.  As you know, the Middlesex Tea Party and the Peninsula Patriots have joined together to form The Middle Peninsula Tea Party. The Middlesex group brought with it some great patriots like Trudy & Tom Feigum and provided us a great facility to hold our meetings (Middlesex Sports and Hunt Club). Ruth provides outstanding leadership and keeps us motivated. So I see the many tea parties across the country making great strides in changing the status quo. If this Republic is preserved, it will be through the efforts of these tea parties. We are privileged to be a part of that effort.
 American Flag and Eagle

Dewitt Edwards 
Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1 KJV)

From: Robert Shannon <>
To: DeWitt Edwards <>
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: Yellow sign

Yes indeed the high traffic count in front of Wittmans Stafford office gave us a lot of exposure.
In King William and Mechanicsville we have developed an elaborate coordinated plan of attack
1. letters to the editor of local newspaper That  section is the most widely read section of local newspapers and it helps CHANGE THE NARRATIVE in local discussion. The other side has controlled the NARRATIVE for so long many low information voters never hear our positions. One of our members up here has developed a team of :ghost writers" who's names the letters go out under so as to maximize the chances of getting published .
2 the signs---they have become a powerful tool. We attempt to re-message them frequently so people keep reading them and keep the topic relevant, tying it into what we are discussing at meetings. We name names and hit hard. Recently a member of the Hanover BOS who had allowed us to put up a sign on property he owned asked us to change a message because he didn't like us attacking one of his buddies in the General Assembly.  I took the sign down. I will not allow any property owner to have editorial control over our messages and I make that clear up front before I put the sign up.   
3 The Inserts ( I believe I had passed samples out at one of your meetings I spoke at last year ) In King William we hit 8,000 homes with these for around $850  in Mechanicsville we hit 29,000 homes for around $3100. Very effective because we stay focused on just 2 issues in each one, targeting the message to taxpayers and equally important--LOCAL LEGISLATORS.
4. Liaisons to the County School Board and the BOS. We have 1 person who attends all of their meetings, reports back to our groups with summaries and is the conduit with which all communications pass between us and them. It is very effective. This Thursday the Mechanicsville group is doing a presentation to our group on Common Core and the Hanover School Superintendent and Chair are coming, as well as the Richmond Times Dispatch reporter who covers Hanover County
5. Our 1 hour a month Volunteer Club. Too often one of our challenges has been getting people to help so we came up with this idea  since it is very hard to refuse to give 1 hour a month. I have a few guys who paint the signs, it only takes 20-30 minutes to paint a sign so I can get two signs painted with each volunteer. I have two guys who change the flags, it is a small minor task but it keeps our flags on the signs fresh and takes it off my plate. We have the 2 Letter a month group, volunteers who comprise the ghost writers---who can't write 2 letters a month ??  By allowing them to just take bite size chores it keeps the work flow wasy. I have 1-2 guys who do the weed eating around the signs,  everyone has just 1 small task so they are not having to commit whole days to TEA Party work.
Seems to be working !
Bob Shannon    
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: Yellow sign

Thank you for your words of encouragement Bob. The signs you guys have put up have definitely made a difference. I have had a number of people tell me"you won't believe the yellow signs I have seen along the various highways". I tell them I know all about them and the guys who are trying to inform people. I am hoping to get a few more signs up here in Mathews and maybe I can get our Gloucester patriots to put some up in Gloucester as well where there is much more traffic. I checked with VDOT to see what the traffic count is at the intersection I chose to place my sign and found it to be around 2500 per day. That's not bad for a location out here in the boonies. Again, I thank you for your inspiration. I think we had about 12 people from the Peninsula Tea Party at the rally in Stafford. We were hoping to get more but over all I think the rally was a success.
 American Flag and Eagle

Dewitt Edwards 
Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1 KJV)

From: Robert Shannon <>
To: DeWitt Edwards <>
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: Yellow sign

  I have been beleaguered this past week by a few of the group leaders who are soft on Wittman. One in particular sent me a e-mail link showing that back in 2010 Wittman finally signed on to Duncan Hunters bill H.R 337 attempting to derail the repeal of Don't ask Don't tell , which as you know would allow open homosexuals to serve in the U.S military.
I offered to send this gentleman the newspaper article from a week after we met with Wittman and his refusal to sign onto Hunters bill.  It appears Wittman did and he did it on APRIL 17TH 2010 some two full months after we met with him and after he had refused to at our meeting.
My point in telling you all of this is to demonstrate the power of these signs. We had a sign on 360 that had the following message on it
He felt so much heat from the pressure he finally relented and signed onto H.R 337......but only after we pounded the snot out of him. One of the local newspapers came up and took pictures of the sign and ran it on their front page the following week.
These signs are very useful tools Lonnie, try and get the others down there to get busy and get as many as possible constructed. God Bless You for your efforts. Remember all of these signs we have in King William, King & Queen, Hanover and now Henrico county have tens of thousands of cars drive by and read them daily !  They work.
Bob Shannon   
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 2:20 PM
Subject: Yellow sign

Hi Bob,

This is my yellow sign which was inspired by yours. Hope to see you at the rally Monday.
 American Flag and Eagle

Dewitt Edwards 
Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1 KJV)

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Friday, August 30, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] SOS! Tea Party Support for Jackson Fundraiser

Mid Pen Tea Party friends:  We  need to jump onboard the Jackson Fundraiser coming up on Sept 7 with both feet!  The invitation has been sent out several times and is posted on our website [] but the response has been slow.  Some of us had been considering hosting a mega-fundraiser of our own to support the (MCRC Scholarship) Constitution Contest  in addition to our Tea Party Candidates - Cuccinnelli and Jackson, but it takes a lot of organization effort! Election Day is coming quickly and allocation of campaign funds is being made now!   Since we have two opportunities to contribute to both of these men being handed to us, we need to promote them enthusiastically!  Rather than putting in hours of time and effort, let's write checks for as much as we possibly can!   Let the hosts know you plan to come (or can't make it but want to support EW)  at

Even if you can't actually go to the open house, you can write a check or send your contribution via Eventbrite to let EW know how strongly we feel about his candidacy.  This is a chance to show the Republican Party of Virginia that EW is the kind of man we want to see on our ballot! Only our donation$ will impre$$ them, but you and I know that our prayers and our testimonies are effective in supporting his candidacy. Talking to your neighbors, your relatives, and the folks in line at Wal-Mart are effective too!  Don't give up! Don't give in! Don't let up!

 How about we get our telephone message system keyed up to let people know we need to support this fundraiser for EW? I will be embarrassed and disappointed if we don't raise $10,000 next week!  We can do it!  ¡Si, se puede!

 The other opportunity, you may know is 1st CD Republican Fundraiser: The 3 Rivers Rally and Pig Roast on 4 - 6 PM on Sept 22 at Historic Rosegill Plantation, St. Hwy 227, Urbanna, VA 23175 but don't wait.!  

 Thanks, Sue


Never be lukewarm.
Life itself demands passion.
He who is indifferent to God has already forfeited his soul.
He who is indifferent to politics has already forfeited his liberty.
Religion is not mere window dressing; citizenship is not a spectator sport.
Do not allow our common destiny as a whole people to just happen.

~ Vic Biorseth,

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Thursday, August 29, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: OPEN LETTER TO THE PATRIOT MOVEMENT / List of Republicans That Don't Deserve Our Votes

 Thursday, August 29, 2013 6:49 PM
Subject: OPEN LETTER TO THE PATRIOT MOVEMENT / List of Republicans That Don't Deserve Our Votes

OPEN LETTER TO THE PATRIOT MOVEMENT from Robert Shannon is attached below:

Long  term  progress  of  the  Patriot  movement  is  in  serious  jeopardy.  It  stems  from  a  troubling  refusal  to  see  the  truth  explicitly  stated  by  none  other  than  John  Taylor  on  Tuesday  August  13th  at  the  Bull &  Bear  Club  in  downtown  Richmond.  ( John Taylor is president of Tertium Quids, president of the Virginia Institute for Public Policy and is one of the most influential political players in Virginia. )

"Adherence to men is often disloyalty to principles.  Republicans  won't  change  until  one  thing  clearly  happens,  they   must   know   we   will   not   vote   for   them." -  John Taylor

The  Patriot  movement  is  comprised  of  two  distinct  factions  that  are  fracturing.  One  side  continues  to  cling  to  the  misguided  notion  that  so  long  as  we  elect  someone  with  an  R  next  to  their  name  we  are  winning  ?  I  have  cited  numerous  times  in  the  past  the  hollow  lie  that  notion  contains.  Republicans  have  run  Virginia  for  the  last  4  years…….need  I  say  more.
  The  other  side  ( or  faction )  understands  very  clearly  what  must  be  done. John  Taylor  said  the  truth,  and  if  we  understand  and  accept  that, then  a  hard  line,  albeit  with  short  term  political  losses  must  be  endured  in order  to  further  the  bigger  goal.   Here  comes  the  "Bob,  this  election  is  too  important"  or  "  we  gotta  win"  (  win  just  what--another  6  billion  dollar  tax  increase ? )  and  last  but  not  least  my  personal  favorite  "Well Bob,  our  guy  isn't  as  bad  as  their  guy"   Winning isn't the goal.  Resolving the problems is the goal---we mustn't lose sight of that.
We  must  reform  the  republican  party,  and  the  soft  ball  approach  many  of  you  advocate, at  times  for  perhaps  your  own  self  serving  reasons  has  not  worked.  Smarten  up,  toughen  up,  or  step  out  of  the  way…please.
Bob Shannon

List of Republicans That Voted for the Largest Tax Increase in Virginia History –

The people listed below do not stand for the principles of the Republican Creed. They betrayed us and they don't deserve our votes. Every one of these names deserves to lose their seat.

House of Delegates:
Danny Marshall (14)
Dave Albo (42)
John Cosgrove (78)
Kirk Cox (66)
Mark Dudenhefer (2)
Jim Edmunds (60)
Tag Greason (32)
Chris Head (17)
Gordon Helsel (91)
Keith Hodges (98)
Sal Iaquinto (84)*
Riley Ingram (62)
Chris Jones (76)
Terry Kilgore (1)
Barry Knight (81)
Jim LeMunyon (67)
Manny Loupassi (68)
Joe May (33)
Randy Minchew (10)
Richard Morris (64)
John O'Bannon (73)
Bobby Orrock (54)
Charles Poindexter (9)
Bob Purkey (82)
Lacey Putney (I, declared R if running for re-election – 19)
Tom Rust (86), Ed Scott (30)
Beverly Sherwood (29)
Chris Stolle (83)
Ron Villanueva (21)
Michael Watson (93)
David Yancey (94)
Joseph Yost (12)
Speaker Howell (28)
State Senate:
Harry Blevins (14)
Bill Carrico (40)
Jeff McWaters (8)
Tommy Norment (3)
Frank Ruff (15)
Walter Stosch (12)
Frank Wagner (7)
John Watkins (10)

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."  - Thomas Jefferson                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

 American Flag and Eagle

Dewitt Edwards 
Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1 KJV)

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Cantor Encouter Sep 4th Event Flyer

Patriots - we can't stop now!    We must get the message to Eric Cantor.   Let's get a group going on this.   Please let me know!    Start planning now.


Join Fellow Patriots at the
We need ALL Patriots and Concerned Citizens in Virginia & beyond to attend!
This is a Street Demonstration in front of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's Office, followed by an Indoor Town Hall
We MUST Turn up the HEAT on Eric Cantor & get him to
We cannot afford to lose on either of these issues, or our Nation could be Lost!
Come! And FIGHT for your Country!
Guest Speakers include:
Jenny Beth Martin--Founder, Tea Party Patriots
Brent Bozell--Author/TV Commentator, Media Research Center
YOU may speak also, as time permits! Tell Cantor EXACTLY what you demand of your Representative!
You MUST sign up for Tickets! They are FREE, but space is limited!
For Tickets & Details, go to
SEE YOU September 4th, 3pm, in Front of Cantor's Glen Allen Va Office!
A Flyer for The Event is Attached--Forward it & Post it!
We have GOT to WIN this fight!!
Laurence "Larry" Nordvig
Executive Director,
Richmond Tea Party

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Thursday, August 22, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: **REMINDER**Protest Demonstration: "RINO" Rob Wittman's Office Mon. Aug 26th 10am-Noon Stafford VA***

This is a very important rally. Please try to go.
 American Flag and Eagle

Dewitt Edwards 
Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1 KJV)

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Betty Lucas <>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 12:18 PM
Subject: **REMINDER**Protest Demonstration: "RINO" Rob Wittman's Office Mon. Aug 26th 10am-Noon Stafford VA***

From the King William Tea Party:
* Protest demonstration at Congressman "RINO Rob" Wittman's office near Fredericksburg. Monday, August 26th from 10 to noon. 2777 Jefferson Davis Highway, Ste. 105, Stafford, Virginia 22554, Phone: (540) 659-2734. Hold his feet to the fire on stopping amnesty, defunding Obamacare, cutting spending, and many more vital issues. Tea Party stalwart Bob Shannon and several 1st Cong. Dist. groups are inviting all to join in the fight that all of us should be waging. Buses are being arranged to pick up at the Wal-Mart in Tappahannock (costs around $30-$33 per passenger. Time to be determined) or you can drive yourself. Congressman Wittman, along with most other elected officials, has been watching and hoping the Patriot movement just burns itself out. Will they get what they have long hoped for ? This ultimately depends on you ! Contact Bob Shannon 769-8884
Aug 26,2013
10 AM-Noon
A Rallying Cry for Rep. Rob Wittman to LISTEN!
Disappointed in his "RINO" Voting Record and Silence on Current DC Scandals?  His Position on Stopping Amnesty, Defunding Obamacare, Cutting Spending, and many more Vital Issues??
Join the Protest Demonstration of 1st Congressional District Groups and Send HIM a Message — Bring Your Signs!
Voting Record:
Buses Available @ Wal-Mart in Tappahannock.
Information Call: Bob Shannon: 804-769-8884
Wittman's Stafford Headquarters
2777 Jefferson-Davis Highway
Ste. 105
Stafford, VA 22554

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: Monday August 26th Mark your Calendars Congressman Rob Wittman Stafford Office

This is an important message from Bob Shannon.
 American Flag and Eagle

Dewitt Edwards 
Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1 KJV)

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Robert Shannon <>
To: alisonandrob <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 8:34 AM
Subject: Monday August 26th Mark your Calendars Congressman Rob Wittman Stafford Office

                                       Too busy  isn't  a  reason, it is just an excuse .
  In February of this year a meeting took place in Tappahannock among leaders from the Patriot/TEA Party groups that make up the 1st Congressional District. The stated purpose was to form a 1st Congressional TEA Party Alliance. The goal was to speak with 1 voice, giving perhaps some clarity to the issues and the leverage we hoped to gain by doing so. It was held on a Saturday when each of us had any number of EXCUSES to not attend. Each of us there that day have jobs, families and other commitments ourselves. That said we met and a plan was formed starting with a series of meetings with various public officials to first see if we could be effective by delivering our concerns in the normal political process. That has born little fruit, as I expected.
  Elected officials today ,with few exceptions are beholden to either party establishments with their own agendas or by the donors who in essence finance their political ambitions so long as THEIR INTERESTS are advanced. Any politicians constituents are an after thought ,at best.   That must change.
  The Patriot movement has learned a few things after 4 years. One of the most valuable lessons has been in learning how to use the media effectively. Much of that credit must go to Robert Bruce, known affectionately as "Sarge" up here in the hinterlands. His "force multiplier" platform has been honed and we are using it with increasing effect and efficiency. That is where the PROTEST comes into the picture.
Couple the letters to the editor campaign with the road side TEA Party  signs, the press releases appearing regularly in the local newspapers, the Inserts and protests, and you begin to see a game plan fall into place. Add to all 4 of these measures the knowledge we have acquired of how to use the media effectively and you can see the game plan falling into place. That said it still takes numbers for these protests to do what they are intended to do.
  How many of you reading this have not been to a meeting in months, or years ?  Just what do you expect ? Do you think sitting around your house complaining is the answer ? Do you think you are contributing by putting a bumper sticker on your car ?  Are you comfortable allowing others to carry the load ?
   Glen Beck ( and I am not a Glen Beck fanatic) said a few weeks ago that the Patriot movement is so close to succeeding, so close to purging the republican party of the rino's ---he urged all of us to not quit now. You can see the evidence of our success at the local level, the turnover in elective offices the last election cycle---IT IS WORKING.
  It is time now to ratchet up the pressure on the state and congressional representatives.  Next Monday I am hoping you join us in the fight that all of us should be waging. Buses are being arranged to pick up at the Wal-Mart in Tappahannock or you can drive yourself. Congressman Wittman ,along with most other elected officials have been watching and hoping the Patriot movement just burns itself out. Will they get what they have long hoped for ?  Who ultimately depends on you !
Bob Shannon    

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Sunday, August 18, 2013

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fwd: Jackson Meet & Greet/Fundraiser

Patriots:   An invitation to meet E.W. Jackson from our members Dave & Sarah.  Please open the attachment and see the note below.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David King <>
Date: Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 6:32 PM
Subject: Jackson Meet & Greet/Fundraiser
To: David King <>

Each of you is cordially invited to our home on Saturday September 7 at 6:30 PM for a Meet and Greet/Fundraiser for E.W. Jackson, our Republican Candidate for Lieutenant Governor.  The attached invitation is self-explanatory.  Please us it to preregister and pledge your donation.  If there are questions please call us at 804-695-9897 or 804-832-2196
We look forward to seeing you. 
Dave and Sarah King


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To learn more about Ruth Litschewski, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] WITTMAN - CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW - RALLY

You can mark me down as attending Ruth. Thanks for the reminder.
 American Flag and Eagle

Dewitt Edwards 
Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1 KJV)

From: Ruth Litschewski <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:49 AM
Subject: [Peninsula-Patriots] WITTMAN - CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW - RALLY

Patriots - more details on the Wittman Rally on August 26th.   Bus info will be posted separately.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ruth Litschewski <>
Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 9:12 PM

OK Middle Peninsula Tea Party and friends.....Now is the time to stand and be counted....Monday morning ....August 26th....   

If you ever wanted Rob Wittman to listen to you and change the way he has been voting, --and especially starting in September with Congress convening  - now is the time to STAND AND BE COUNTED.   We have put together a "rallying cry" to let him know we are not happy with his voting record.   The leadership of all of the entire TPs of the First Congressional District have tried countless times to get him to listen to no avail.  So this is the last effort before Congress convenes on Sept 9th and ALL TPs in his District are going to rally.

PLEASE STAND WITH US on August 26th at 10 am in front of his HQ in Stafford.    Please see the attachments for details.  They are (1) a 2-sided flyer (including his egregious record and what we expect going forward in September and beyond - including a link to an on-line petition to get his attention) and (2) an actual  2-sided PETITION for those to print off and get signatures and bring to the rally or mail to him asap.  Print and use these as you see fit.  Pass them to anyone - neighbors, friends, relatives, etc.    Education is the key to understanding our frustration and intention to push very hard to get his attention.   We are in the end game - in overtime....and he is on the bench waiting on Boehner to call the shots. 

THIS IS THE LAST make your voice heard.   If you don't participate and send a loud and clear message, we can expect that he will cave to Boehner, as always (check his record) and NOT defund Obamacare in September and a host of other issues.   This is a critical time and we need ALL hands on deck.   

Because the "rallying cry" is in Stafford (about 2.5 hrs away), his "safe" HQ, we are going to rent a bus or more to help get us there - to the door walking, no $35 per person- bring your signs, water, lunch - whatever.   See the info (attached)  if you prefer to drive (address details, etc attached.)   I am counting on my Tea Party Patriots of the Middle Peninsula.   All Tea Parties and Concerned Citizens of the Mid-Pen are participating.  I have been hard at work with our First Congressional Tea Party Alliance....and all are activated and ready to attend because we have tried for years to no avail.  We need hundreds to get his attention.  Bring a friend or relative.   Pressure is about the numbers.  Don't assume others will come - YOU must be there - please. YOUR voice is important!  We are going to give this BIG PR.   I need to know and hear from you if you are coming.  I know it is short notice but please make it a priority.

More coming on the bus details - I will post it separately so you can RSVP.   Let me know if you want to ride the bus asap.  I'll rent as many as possible.   We are hoping York, Essex and King William folks will hop aboard via Rt 17 stops.
Most Sincerely, Your Leader - Ruth
God Bless and Save America.....
PS - I've also attached some ideas for signs just to get you thinking!  Be sure you indicate your COUNTY - he needs to see we are from all over his voting district.  We want - always - to remain respectful - we are patriots.
Ruth Litschewski
Middle Peninsula Tea Party ~ In God We Trust


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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

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This message was sent by DeWitt Edwards ( from Peninsula Patriots.
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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |