Saturday, October 6, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fwd: Communism in the Classroom!! Bad Stuff

FROM A TEA PARTY MEMBER IN LANCASTER:  Very disturbing.  Pay attention Patriots.

This is my take on Common Core Standards, mentioned in the recent Lancaster educational forum:
(this is lengthy, because I've included the links and a very good review paper on this issue--use as references) 

 BBC Video (shows the increasing health and wealth of western nations vs. less-developed nations over the last few centuries--our speaker pointed out that the U.S. has fewer people than many nations, yet "consumes" the bulk of the world's resources.....Hmmmm, wonder how that will be used in the classroom??!)
Common Core Standards Initiative mentioned in talk:
What it really is: 
"Common Core is part of an effort to implement regionalism, the replacement of local governments by regional boards of federally appointed bureaucrats, who in turn are beholden to international bodies. Regionalism will eliminate the freedom parents now have in choosing neighborhoods with good schools because tax funds will be distributed equally. There will be no escape in home schooling or private schools either, because the curriculum will follow national tests. Students will be tracked through mandatory state records that will then be accessible to Washington bureaucrats. Ultimately, all students will be subject to education mandates implemented by Obama's radical cronies."
per author Stanley Kurtz:  [the Common Core is]
"a plan to lever federal control of K through 12 education into redistribution of education funding from suburbs to the cities.
Who are the Radical Players?
...Linda Darling-Hammond, a radical left-wing educator and close colleague of William "Bill" Ayers, the former leader of the communist terrorist Weather Underground who became a professor of education and friend of Obama's........
"..... an estimated 80% of the public does not even know about Common Core...."
From the Project White Paper Report:
"The  progressive view of education is that the education of children is too important to be left, as the Founders intended, to parents, localities, and the states. This view calls for sweeping national control of education, with the important decisions made by experts for the good of the citizenry. Common Core is the critical first step in accomplishing this vision."
"states who adopt [the Common Core Standards] are expected to adopt them in their entirety." .............................
From Education Week:
" A number of national school organizations are trying to introduce parents to the common-core standards through written materials, videos, public-service announcements, and in-person presentations.
Lancaster Educational Forum: 
"21st Century Vision for Learning and Teaching"
"Mitt Romney told NBC's Brian Williams today that he doesn't think the federal government should provide support—financial or otherwise—for common standards, which have been adopted by forty-six states and the District of Columbia."
My opinion:
Common Core MUST be opposed. (Currently, Va. is NOT on-board with Common Core Standards, however, how long would it take for us to "buy in" should a progressive Governor take office?  Rogue states are under a lot of pressure to conform to this movement.)
 CC is Unconstitutional and will be a monstrous paradigm shift in American education and culture--once American parents wake up and see this tsunami coming it will be too late to stop it.  It is already moving like a high-speed rail through the education system, i.e. the terminology and concepts are becoming standard "lingo" in education circles.  Parents and the public MUST be educated on the full story behind all this and why it quite possibly may be one of the most DANGEROUS and insidious assaults to our liberties and values in a long time.  (Unless you like Communism/Socialism at it's highest level!)
The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of government tomorrow. 
Abraham Lincoln
In short, Common Core is "Obamacare" for Education on steriods!


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