Sunday, April 29, 2018

Tea Party Reunion Monday, May 14 @ 6 PM in Middlesex ~ Join Us!


Middle Peninsula Tea Partiers, Conservatives, Republicans & supporters ~ 

What better day to consider how best to thwart the dark forces that threaten America?

 Come REUNITE with other 'Right-Thinking' patriots to 

  ➢ Rekindle old acquaintances

➢ Join together for a simple meal

➢ Hear from our former Tea Party leaders and others

➢ Get inspired and energized to help 'Make the Miracle!'

Who: All Lovers of Liberty! (Patriots, friends, family, neighbors!)

WhenMonday, May 14, 6 - 8 PM

Where: Middlesex Shooting Sports Club (1860 Twiggs Ferry Rd, Hartfield, VA 23071)

        * FREE * * FREE * * FREE * * FREE * * FREE * 

 *We NEED to know how many are coming so PLEASE 'reply' to this message with the approximate number of those coming by May 6 if possible.

Thank you! Looking forward to seeing everyone! (AND please pass this along to interested friends who may have been overlooked!) 

Sue Sherrill (+Tom Robinson, Dorothy Bayford, Ruth Litchewski & others!)

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Notification: Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting @ Thu Apr 19, 2018 7pm - 8pm (EDT) (

Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
We are working to elect Conservative Constitutional candidates. And we WILL succeed!
Thu Apr 19, 2018 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Mathews, VA (map)
Admin - organizer

Invitation from Google Calendar

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Notification: Gloucester Republican Mtg @ Thu Apr 12, 2018 7pm - 8pm (EDT) (

Gloucester Republican Mtg

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
Meets at the Colonial Courthouse in the circle.
Note time change to 7PM
Thu Apr 12, 2018 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Colonial Courthouse, Main St Circle, Gloucester, VA 23691 (map)
Admin - organizer

Invitation from Google Calendar

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Friday, April 6, 2018

Do you want this?

Dear Fellow Patriot,
This is a critical issue we need to address.
Thank you for helping, 

Sue Long

If you have been listening to the news at all, you are aware that there is an all out attack on our inherent  God-given right to be armed, which is protected by the Second Amendment.   Although this assault is not new by any means, it is certainly far more intense and flagrant.


The need is not only to be able to protect ourselves from criminals, the deranged and terrorists, but also from a government which would establish a dictatorship.


We can look to two countries for examples of how this works. Switzerland, which has one of the highest rates of gun ownership, has not had a mass shooting since 2001.


In contrast there is Germany.   Gun controls were put in place little by little, culminating in a federal registry.  When Hitler was coming to power, he used the registry to know where to go to confiscate the guns.  Once the citizens were disarmed, they were unable to resist him and depose him.

Those responsible for the murder of 100 million plus people in the 20th century made sure that their victims had first been disarmed.


Among the many means of attack against gun ownership, one of the most virulent is the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). 


What does this treaty contain?

·       Our federal government would have to have a registry of who owns, buys, sells, trades or transfers guns, ammunition, parts or components.

·       The list of gun and ammo owners would be shared with foreign governments

·        The foreign government agency in charge would be unaccountable and unelected. 


What is the status of the treaty? 

So far, the ATT has not been implemented.  The Senate has not ratified this, as is required for treaties. However, President Obama signed it in 2013 on behalf of America so the UN considers us a "signatory" and Article 18 of the Vienna Convention  obligates a signer of a UN treaty "to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purpose of [such] a treaty. "


The need is obvious.  Please call President Trump and ask him to unsign the ATT. Since he has gotten us out of other such treaties, there is a good chance that he can be persuaded to do so with this one.

His phone number is 202-456-1111. 
Send a message
and send a post card to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500.


Thank you for helping.


Sue Long

for the

                             Committee for Constitutional Government
                     *Post Office Box 972 * Gloucester,VA  23061.