Saturday, March 28, 2015

$ave by signing up now for 'Winning Elections Workshop'


There are still a few days left to take advantage of the'Early Bird Rate' of $20 for this upcoming training session in April.   This post has the correct link to Eventbrite, if you choose to pay that way.  Let me know you want to come and we can extend the special rate until you make your payment if you choose not to pay via the internet.  Please share this with your Tea Party, Republican or other conservative contacts ! We need to continue to hold & take ground!

Thank you!  

Sue Sherrill

Nationally-known Leadership Institute Trainer

Christopher Doss

presents the basics of

EFFECTIVE  Campaigning

in a two day workshop:

Monday evening (April 20): (6 – 9 PM, casual dinner included)

  • Real Nature of Politics:  How does the world of politicians & elections really work?
  • Developing & Delivering a Compelling Message:  How do you verbalize your issues?
  • Grassroots Lobbying:  How do you capture the attention of elected officials?
  • Letters-to-the-Editor for a digital age


Tuesday evening (April 21): (6 – 9 PM, casual dinner included)

  • Data:  What's the big deal about computerized voter lists & is it really important?
  •  Voter ID and Voter Contact Methods:  What really works & what's a waste of time?
  • Facebook & Social Media:  Why is it important & how can you make a difference?


Presented by the Middle Peninsula Tea Party and the Republican Committees of Gloucester, Mathews, and Middlesex Counties

Sponsored by U. S. Congressman Rob Wittman, VA Senator Ryan McDougle, VA Senator Tommy Norment, and Delegate Keith Hodges.

 Hampton Inn Gloucester

6638 Forest Hill Avenue 
Gloucester, VA 23061

Monday, April 20, 2015 at 6:00 PM -Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM (EDT)

Pre-payment and Registration Required.

$25 / person, including casual meals ~ $20 'Early Bird Special' before April 1, 2015

Pay online at  eb-logo ⇒  HERE!  

Or Pay by personal check made out to 'MPTP' with 'Workshop' noted in the Memo blank.

  • Check may be mailed to MPTP, P. O. Box 33, Hudgins, VA 23076   or
  • Hand delivered with Registration information to either:
    • David Johnson, Gloucester County Republican Committee
    • Sue Sherrill, Mathews County Republican Committee
    • Trudy Feigum, Middlesex County Republican Committee

 [Questions? Email]

Registration required.

Opportunity for ALL, favoritism for NONE!

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