Thursday, December 17, 2015

Notification: Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting @ Thu Dec 17, 2015 7pm - 8pm (

Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
We are working to elect Conservative Constitutional candidates. And we WILL succeed!
Thu Dec 17, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Mathews, VA (map)
Admin - organizer

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Friday, December 11, 2015


Robert --

You can help us fight against the ACLU’s plot to force our children to be exposed to kids of the opposite sex in school locker rooms and restrooms.

Generous donors have contributed $120,000 to our effort to protect our kids and advance our principles – but we need to match that $120,000 by December 31st!  This means that your donation today of $100, $250, $500 or $1,000 will be doubled!

Recently, the Albemarle County School Board voted, like Fairfax before it, to allow children in public schools to use the bathroom of the opposite sex depending on whichever “gender” they claim to be.  

Earlier this year, The Family Foundation and our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) began working with school boards in Virginia – like Stafford and Gloucester County – to adopt policies that protect the privacy rights of all students while accommodating those struggling with sexual identity issues. 

We educated school board members. We mobilized grassroots. We informed pastors. And those counties adopted common sense policies.

But the radical secular left did what it always does when it loses at the ballot box, at the school board, or in the legislature – it sued!

The ACLU in fact sued Gloucester County School Board over its policy. A federal judge rejected the ACLU’s argument, but then the ACLU appealed to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Will you stand with us against the ACLU and tell them NO to endangering our children?  Will you enable my team to be equipped to fight this battle with a contribution today that will be doubled?

These efforts are costly. We cannot match the enormous bank account of the ACLU and other secular left organizations. But fight we must, and we need your help today!

Help us meet our goal of raising $120,000 by December 31st! We need your contribution of $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or maybe even $5,000 to ensure that this attack on our children is halted once and for all.

In response to the ACLU, we’ve filed a “friend of the court” brief with the Fourth Circuit, written by our friends at ADF, arguing on behalf of Gloucester County’s reasonable policy and our kids.  

We’re fighting for our children, school board by school board. We’re fighting for our kids by working with ADF in the courts. We will be fighting for our kids during the 2016 General Assembly session by supporting legislation protects their privacy rights!

Stand with us as we stand for our children. Donate now >>

For Families and For Virginia,

Victoria Cobb

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The Family Foundation
919 E. Main St., Suite 1110
Richmond, VA 23219
phone: 804-343-0010

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Robert --

You can help us fight against the ACLU’s plot to force our children to be exposed to kids of the opposite sex in school locker rooms and restrooms.

Generous donors have contributed $120,000 to our effort to protect our kids and advance our principles – but we need to match that $120,000 by December 31st!  This means that your donation today of $100, $250, $500 or $1,000 will be doubled!

Recently, the Albemarle County School Board voted, like Fairfax before it, to allow children in public schools to use the bathroom of the opposite sex depending on whichever “gender” they claim to be.  

Earlier this year, The Family Foundation and our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) began working with school boards in Virginia – like Stafford and Gloucester County – to adopt policies that protect the privacy rights of all students while accommodating those struggling with sexual identity issues. 

We educated school board members. We mobilized grassroots. We informed pastors. And those counties adopted common sense policies.

But the radical secular left did what it always does when it loses at the ballot box, at the school board, or in the legislature – it sued!

The ACLU in fact sued Gloucester County School Board over its policy. A federal judge rejected the ACLU’s argument, but then the ACLU appealed to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Will you stand with us against the ACLU and tell them NO to endangering our children?  Will you enable my team to be equipped to fight this battle with a contribution today that will be doubled?

These efforts are costly. We cannot match the enormous bank account of the ACLU and other secular left organizations. But fight we must, and we need your help today!

Help us meet our goal of raising $120,000 by December 31st! We need your contribution of $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or maybe even $5,000 to ensure that this attack on our children is halted once and for all.

In response to the ACLU, we’ve filed a “friend of the court” brief with the Fourth Circuit, written by our friends at ADF, arguing on behalf of Gloucester County’s reasonable policy and our kids.  

We’re fighting for our children, school board by school board. We’re fighting for our kids by working with ADF in the courts. We will be fighting for our kids during the 2016 General Assembly session by supporting legislation protects their privacy rights!

Stand with us as we stand for our children. Donate now >>

For Families and For Virginia,

Victoria Cobb

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The Family Foundation
919 E. Main St., Suite 1110
Richmond, VA 23219
phone: 804-343-0010

Notification: Gloucester Republican Mtg @ Thu Dec 10, 2015 7pm - 8pm (

Gloucester Republican Mtg

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
Meets at the Colonial Courthouse in the circle.
Note time change to 7PM
Thu Dec 10, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Colonial Courthouse, Main St Circle, Gloucester, VA 23691 (map)
admin - organizer

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Notification: Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting @ Thu Nov 19, 2015 7pm - 8pm (

Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
We are working to elect Conservative Constitutional candidates. And we WILL succeed!
Thu Nov 19, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Mathews, VA (map)
Admin - organizer

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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Hijra & Monday Night Meeting


Hopefully you have seen that in lieu of a regular  Middle Peninsula Tea Party meeting, the John Birch Society is making a presentation about what they do to preserve Liberty and our representative Democracy on Monday at 7 PM at the Hampton Inn in Gloucester just behind Wendy's off Rt 17. I hope you are able to be there! 

But more... Join the Resistance!

 The events of last night's 'Friday the 13th' Islam attack in Paris should help remind us that we are all at risk from the decisions made by liberals here and around the world.  Ironically the first group arrived yesterday in Louisiana on Friday the 13th as well! Not women and children escaping the ravages of war, mind you: military age men and the rate of 'resettlement is due to accelerate over the next months and years! 

There are people still trying to stop the Islamification of America! Ann Corcoran is at the forefront:

Join the Resistance! In Virginia, we have the 

Learn things you can do! Don't sit idly by, wringing your hands or covering your eyes and ears!    You MUST pick up your pen and you phone! (Gee, where'd I get that?)   Call or write the various people who are involved in making decisions that effect YOU!   Hit Facebook, Twitter, email, call in radio shows and what else?  Scream until you're heard!    If we each do just ONE thing everyday to make someone pause, we can make a difference!

 Please start today - if only by sending this message to a few friends! 

Thanks! ~
   Sue Sherrill
Middle Peninsula Tea Party

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Notification: Gloucester Republican Mtg @ Thu Nov 12, 2015 7pm - 8pm (

Gloucester Republican Mtg

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
Meets at the Colonial Courthouse in the circle.
Note time change to 7PM
Thu Nov 12, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Colonial Courthouse, Main St Circle, Gloucester, VA 23691 (map)
admin - organizer

Invitation from Google Calendar

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Monday, November 9, 2015

The Next Tea Party Meeting

The November Tea Party meeting will be at 7:00 P. M. on Monday November 16th at The Hampton Inn behind Wendy's in Gloucester where Michael Smart will be speaking on The John Birch Society.  Guests are welcome.  


Michael provides an opportunity to learn about the Society, its effectiveness in the battle to preserve and restore our freedoms and its current projects.

He joined the John Birch Society in 1995 and has served on the staff in various capacities in 47 states. He is currently the Coordinator for Virginia,

North Carolina, and Washington DC.


I hope to see you there.    


Sue Long - the other Sue

The Next Tea Party Meeting

The November Tea Party meeting will be at 7:00 P. M. on Monday November 16th at The Hampton Inn behind Wendy's in Gloucester where Michael Smart will be speaking on The John Birch Society.  Guests are welcome.  


Michael provides an opportunity to learn about the Society, its effectiveness in the battle to preserve and restore our freedoms and its current projects.

He joined the John Birch Society in 1995 and has served on the staff in various capacities in 47 states. He is currently the Coordinator for Virginia,

North Carolina, and Washington DC.


I hope to see you there.    


Sue Long - the other Sue

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fwd: Don't wait! VOTE TODAY! You never know what tomorrow will bring!

I hope you are working right now on getting folks (including YOURSELF) out to vote! It's too late to register or re-register to vote in the upcoming election but registered voters can now and the next 2 Saturdays! Go to your REGISTRAR's office or ONLINE HERE:

    • Next General Election or Primary:  Tuesday, November 3, 2015
    • Absentee (by Mail) Application Deadline:  Tuesday, October 27, 2015
    • Absentee (In-Person) Application Deadline:  Saturday, October 31, 2015

    The deadline to register to vote in the November 3, 2015 election was October 13, 2015 and has passed.

You can check your voting status online and apply for an absentee voter ballot or to vote in PERSON.

If your health is fragile or compromised DON'T WAIT to see what Nov 3 looks like!  VOTE TODAY!

Talk to neighbors, relatives or friends - especially those whose roads ever FLOOD, batteries ever fail, whose eyesight, blood pressure or glucose level is better on some days than others or have friends or relatives they may need to look after! EVERY VOTE is needed to elect Republicans for Virginia! VOTE TODAY!

 You can vote IN PERSON or by ABSENTEE BALLOT if you start NOW! 
Have you got other ideas to be sure every Conservative or Republican vote is cast!  Democrat Lynwood Lewis won the 6th VA Senate Seat  by 11 votes! Let's ALL get at least 11 voters to the polls! One or two a day is all it takes!

 We can do this! 

Hope to see you:
Middle Peninsula Tea Party Meeting


Opportunity for ALL, favoritism for NONE!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

American sovereignty is at stake


Dear Fellow Patriot,


The TPP is an Assault on our National Sovereignty


The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposal of merging America with eleven Pacific Rim nations.  Its terms have been finalized by Obama and the other nations involved and is now awaiting Congressional approval.  It is to be voted on by both the House and the Senate.  

But, wait a minute!  A treaty requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate.  Sure, but Obama couldn't get that many votes, so he called it a Partnership, and a complacent Congress went along. Then, Congress voted for Fast Track, which facilitates the final vote, making it much easier for it to get passed.  It will be voted on without a filibuster or discussion, just a straight up or down vote with only a simple majority.

The gist of TPP is that it would bind our country into a regional government that would be the governing body of America, taking precedence over our Constitution.  We would be ruled by its dictates and no longer would we have the protection of our God-given rights that our Constitution provides.

Sound preposterous?  That is what happened in Europe.  What has become the European Union (EU) was sold in 1952 to the European nations as a simple trade agreement, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), as being something good for jobs and their economy.  The ECSC has morphed into the EU, the supranational entity that rules the former independent European nations.  They are no longer free countries.


Not only has the EU dictated economic matters, new EU regulations hinder the use of healthy alternative health care options by banning thousands of nutritional supplements and herbal remedies, greatly reducing their availability.   Thus is the pattern of these mergers.


Here, TPP is being hyped as a trade pact.  A free trade pact could be done in one page.  Do we need another trade pact?  We have already started down that road by signing on to NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement).   Where has that taken us?  How often are we frustrated by calling a company only to find ourselves trying to decipher what we are being told by someone who is unable to communicate with proper English? How many people have lost their jobs to someone overseas? These are the result of NAFTA – a free trade agreement.   Why would we want any more such partnerships?


And, furthermore, TPP has about five pages on trade out of a total of about a couple thousand pages. Other considerations by the eleven nations of the TPP have been:  immigration, climate change, sustainable development, homeland security, the military, and international courts. The terms were debated and a final version was agreed upon, but who knows what is in it?   The document is being kept secret from the public. Even the legislators who will be voting on it have been hampered. Before the Fast Track vote, they were allowed to see the then-version only by going to the White House basement where they were given a few pages at a time.


They were not allowed to take any recording devices or take notes.   And, they were forbidden from telling any private citizen what they read. Does that sound like something we would be eager to have?


Political pundits have said that Obama has pushed far more for this than he has for any other piece of legislation.  You can be sure he would not be doing that for a simple trade bill, nor would he keep the terms secret.


The labor unions, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders all oppose TTP but only because of the lost jobs effect, not the rest of the terms.  Some Republicans are sold on it, thinking that it is a good trade deal that would counter Chinese exports.  They should know that once TPP is in place, China can be admitted to TPP and we can do nothing to stop it.


Can it be stopped?  The Globalists' proposals for merging countries into regional units that can then be merged into the United Nations are nothing new.    One such was during George Bush the younger's term when the proposal was to merge Canada, America and Mexico into one regional government, the North American Union (NAU).  But a massive educational effort by the John Birch Society and their allies brought enough opposition to bear so that the NAU failed to materialize.   The globalist powers-that-be put it on the back burner and are subsequently pushing for other plans:  The Treaty of the Sea (global  control of the oceans),  the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) (merging America into  the EU),  Trade in Services Agreement (adversely affecting our jobs in services), and the one up for passage right now, the TPP.


We can stop it again.   You may think that asking your legislators to oppose TTP is a wasted effort.  And, true, in some instances, it may not change their vote, but it would still have an impact.   Before legislation is brought up for a vote, the promoters take notice of how much opposition there is to it.   If it is sufficient, they will postpone the vote or come up with a different angle. 


This was the case in the 1970's when the plan was to merge all the countries in the world directly into the United Nations (UN).  But, there was sufficient exposure of the UN, spearheaded by The John Birch Society, that it was necessary for the globalists to abandon that plan; and, as a result, we have been given all these years of freedom as an independent nation.  Plan B then became the formation of regional governments that can then be merged into the UN.  We now see that being implemented.


So, spread the word and ask others to do what you have done, which is to contact your Representative and two Senators in D.C. and urge them to vote NO to TPP. 

Sue Long for  the Committee for Constitutional Government, Post Office Box 972, Gloucester, VA  23061



Thursday, October 15, 2015

Notification: Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting @ Thu Oct 15, 2015 7pm - 8pm (

Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
We are working to elect Conservative Constitutional candidates. And we WILL succeed!
Thu Oct 15, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Mathews, VA (map)
Admin - organizer

Invitation from Google Calendar

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 26 Mid-Pen Tea Party Meeting

The November Election will be a focus of our October 26 meeting! We hope to have representatives of each of our localities speak briefly about what their issues are and who might be the best candidates to achieve conservative results. 

  Democrats have money and hired hands but we have Scott Presler, an outstanding Republican 'Field Hand' from Norfolk to inspire us! Jean Marie Casanave met Scott when he worked in Houston and suggested he look us up. Scott has been an inspiration in his tireless efforts to sell the Republican brand. 

 In addition, we should have some of video clips of interest to attendees and time for anyone who wishes to share the concerns and activities they are working on... so be ready to share your concern or comments in 3 minutes or less! 
  • Refugee Re-settlement? 
  • Abortion? 
  • Gun rights?
  • Effective Activism? 
  • Terrorism? 
  • You name it! Instruct us & recruit us! Bring whatever handouts you think are helpful!

 The meeting will be held at the Hampton Inn behind Wendy's in Gloucester  at 7 PM on  Monday, Oct 26th 

Questions or comments? Sue Sherrill 
(reply by email or call 804-815-9329)

Opportunity for ALL, favoritism for NONE!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Notification: Gloucester Republican Mtg @ Thu Oct 8, 2015 7pm - 8pm (

Gloucester Republican Mtg

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
Meets at the Colonial Courthouse in the circle.
Note time change to 7PM
Thu Oct 8, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Colonial Courthouse, Main St Circle, Gloucester, VA 23691 (map)
admin - organizer

Invitation from Google Calendar

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Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP response. Learn More.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

BDC 2015 is underway

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The Business Development Caucus held its first Business Town Hall event of 2015 at Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke last week.  Attendees included several of the region's business leaders, economic & workforce development advocates, and representatives of the Virginia Community College System.  Legislators from Northern Virginia, Central Virginia, Southwest and Southside Virginia also attended, as did I of course, representing the VA Chamber's Small Business Committee.  This event was the BDC's 17th since founded in 2012 and carried us over the 500th business participant mark.


These leaders shared some of the issues that the Roanoke region faces in its effort to recruit employers.  Interestingly, topography presents one of their more arduous challenges as this mountainous region limits the availability of suitable development sites.  Obviously, no legislation will remedy this issue directly, but opportunities to improve the readiness and marketability of the few sites that are practical for development do exist.  We also heard issues relating to broadband and other infrastructure needs, economic incentives, and workforce development among others. 


Our next Business Town Hall meeting will be held in New Kent County, next Tuesday 9/29 at the New Kent Winery and is being hosted by the New Kent Chamber of Commerce (where my own company is a member).  This event is open to businesses from New Kent, James City, Charles City, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William & Prince George counties and area cities.  While all business/industries are welcome, a portion of the discussion will be reserved for Rural and Agricultural issues.


In addition to members of the General Assembly (six as of today), representatives from the Center for Rural Virginia and Virginia Farm Bureau will also participate.  If you are an area business leader, rural business advocate or farmer please consider joining us.  Click the invitation thumbnail to the right for event and registration information.  There is no charge for this two-hour event and it includes a light lunch - but space is limited.


Following our final 2015 event in Northern Virginia, participating BDC members will hold a retreat to review ideas and evaluate potential pro-job growth legislation for the 2016 session of the General Assembly. Please consider sharing this information with business leaders in your area.


Traveling with the BDC and meeting with leaders across the Commonwealth provides me an informative and effective means for learning and acting to address regional issues regarding Virginia's economy. Subsequently, this translates into more opportunities for citizens here and across the state. For more information on the BDC, visit  Of course, anyone is free to contact me at for more information.


Respectfully yours,



Know someone interested in economic development issues

here or anywhere in Virginia?

Ask them to follow me on Facebook or Twitter to keep up with BDC activities.

Find out more on the web at


Like my Facebook @MikeWatsonVA or follow me on Twitter @MikeWatson_VA

Please consider sharing this with friends and family who may be interested in issues and activities that affect our state and region.  To subscribe simply click here.



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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Notification: Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting @ Thu Sep 17, 2015 7pm - 8pm (

Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
We are working to elect Conservative Constitutional candidates. And we WILL succeed!
Thu Sep 17, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Mathews, VA (map)
Admin - organizer

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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Notification: Gloucester Republican Mtg @ Thu Sep 10, 2015 7pm - 8pm (

Gloucester Republican Mtg

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
Meets at the Colonial Courthouse in the circle.
Note time change to 7PM
Thu Sep 10, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Colonial Courthouse, Main St Circle, Gloucester, VA 23691 (map)
admin - organizer

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