Sunday, June 29, 2014

Your future and taxes, thanks to Sen. Frank Wagner: HRTAC Organizational Meeting - July 2, 2014 [3 Attachments]

Are you in Planning DIstrict 23? Do you know what it is? Do you know what HRTAC stands for? Did you know that Marty Williams is on the well-paid Commonwealth Transportation Board?

Attached is the Agenda,  Bylaws, and Taxpayers Requested Changes to the Bylaws for the Organizational Meeting of the Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission (HRTAC)   


ATTEND:    Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission 1st meeting


WHEN:       Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 2:00 p.m.


WHERE:      The Regional Building Board Room, 723 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA.


WHY:          So your voice can be heard and your Representative be Accountable
HOW:          Demand Bylaws for HRTAC include the following:
1.     Regional Issues must be voted on by ALL local Elected Officials.
2.     Each VOTE by Mayor or County Supervisor must be a Directed Vote.  
Based on the Majority of the Locality Vote.
3.     All TOLL increases require passage by a REGIONAL REFERENDUM.
4.     All CITIZENS will have 5 minutes to speak on each Agenda Item before it passes.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Reminder: Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting @ Monthly from 7pm to 8pm on the third Thursday (

Mathews County Republican Committee Meeting

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
We are working to elect Conservative Constitutional candidates. And we WILL succeed!
Monthly from 7pm to 8pm on the third Thursday Eastern Time
Mathews, VA (map)
Admin - organizer

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Learn to be effective - June Self-Governance Classes

To all Patriots:

We believe strongly that taking the courses from the Center for Self-Governance is one of the best ways to learn to be an effective activist. The courses are to be taken in order (required), with each student progressing up through the classes until completed. Below is the upcoming schedule for classes in the Richmond area (in bold, italics). We encourage (no...RECOMMEND) that any patriot wanting to be more effective begin to step through these courses.

June Class schedule:


Gloucester, Friday, June 20
Goochland, Saturday, June 21
Lynchburg, Part I – June 23, Part II – June 24
Ruckersville, Sunday, June 22
Tidewater, Saturday, June 21


Richmond, Friday, June 20


Richmond, Monday, June 23


Richmond, Thursday, June 19



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Monday, June 16, 2014

FW: June 19th Virginia Peninsula Car Club Council Meeting

VPCCC Delegates,




Ford McCormack




From: Hartel, Harold
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 7:46 AM
To: 'Ford McCormack'
Subject: June 19th Virginia Peninsula Car Club Council Meeting


June 19th will be our next meeting for  2014.


PLEASE remember to bring (or send) your dues in for 2014.  The sooner the better!!!


Community Meeting Notice

The Virginia Peninsula Car Club Council was established to support the Automotive Clubs and Auto Enthusiasts in the Va. Peninsula Region and surrounding areas. VPCCC is a not-for-profit group (


The VPCCC meets on the third Thursday of the month (Except Dec.) at 7:00 pm

We meet at Wynne Ford 1020 West Mercury Boulevard, Hampton, VA 23666 (757) 838-3673


We will not have a guest speaker …

Plus we'll touch on many hobbyist related subjects. Please consider coming as our guest. Call or email Hal Hartel for more information.


FYI-We have clubs, individuals and businesses as members from Chesapeake, Charles City, Chester, Denbigh, Gloucester - Middle Peninsula, Hampton, Isle of Wight, James City County, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Smithfield, Suffolk, Va. Beach, Yorktown, York County, Williamsburg of Virginia and Elizabeth City & Outer Banks of N.C.


Thanks,  Hal
Co-founder of the Va Fall Classic
About to be the PAST President of Va Peninsula Car Club Council

 "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit!" Harry S. Truman

"We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give"-Winston Churchill


Harold D. Hartel
100 Kayla Court
Yorktown, Va. 23693


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Reminder: Gloucester Republican Mtg @ Monthly from 7pm to 8pm on the second Thursday (

Gloucester Republican Mtg

For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
Peninsula Patriots
Meets at the Colonial Courthouse in the circle.
Note time change to 7PM
Monthly from 7pm to 8pm on the second Thursday Eastern Time
Colonial Courthouse, Main St Circle, Gloucester, VA 23691 (map)
admin - organizer

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Congratulations to Congressman Wittman!

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I would like to congratulate Congressman Rob Wittman on his Republican primary win. My full statement is below.
With kind regards,
Anthony Riedel


For Immediate Release
June 10, 2014
Contact: Anthony Riedel

Republican Primary Challenger Riedel Congratulates Wittman on Win
Riedel: "The cause of liberty will march on."
Williamsburg, VA (June 10, 2014) – Anthony Riedel, candidate for the 2014 Republican nomination in Virginia's First Congressional District, issued the following statement:

"I would like to congratulate Congressman Rob Wittman on a well-run, clean campaign focused on the issues facing America's First District and the country. And I look forward to helping our entire Virginia Republican Party ticket achieve victory in November.

"I would like to thank my family, friends, volunteers, donors, and the voters of the First District for their support and prayers. We have come a long way since January 7.

"While we came up short tonight, the cause of liberty will march on. For if we rely on ourselves, on each other, and on God, liberty will prevail."

Riedel is a public relations specialist at the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation in Springfield.* Anthony graduated from Gloucester High School and holds a BA in Communications from James Madison University. Prior to joining the National Right to Work Foundation in 2008, Anthony worked on Ron Paul's presidential primary campaign.
*For identification purposes only
Paid for and authorized by Riedel for Congress
Anthony Riedel, of Williamsburg, Virginia, is a public relations specialist working at the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation in Springfield, Virginia.*

Anthony holds a BA in Communications from James Madison University.

Prior to joining the National Right to Work Foundation in 2008, Anthony worked on Ron Paul's presidential primary campaign, and has volunteered for several local, state, and federal Republican campaigns in Virginia.

*For identification purposes only

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115 Pebble Beach Lane
Williamsburg, VA 23185

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